Monday, March 28, 2011

Sorry for my language.

Assalamualaikum, Hello, Anneyo-say-yo, dan salam sejahtera..

Firstly, I would like to apologize for my language. What I mean is my "Rojak" language.. and also my short form writing.. =S .. I didn't realize its actually hard to read until two of my friends comment and send a message, thanks to him and her =) ..

Secondly, I also would like to apologize for my old post and also my future post if theres mistakes in grammar or spelling or sewaktu dengannya...Truthfully speaking, i'm not really good in grammar and while with (sewaktu dengannya).. correct me, okay? so i could also learn from my mistakes =)

If i wrote in B.M ( bahasa malaysia) please please and please help me with it. Seriously there's a lots of words i need to learn, not only "bahasa baku" but also "bahasa lain" for example.. "bahan" which i think its same meaning as tease right? "muke ketat" it is used when they for those muka yang tengah tension kan?.. those are the new words that i recently learned..

My house mate always teased me since i'm little slow in B.M (bajet terer B.I laa tu lol, but sebenarnye im also little slow in BI because i am actually a blurr kid so due-due agak slow in laa kan =P).. errkk! totally out of topic.. So back to the title "sorry for my language", i'm so sorry but i love you.. i'll try my best next time to write properly in only one language in one post. insyallah..

Lastly, i like to apologize for using "not supposed to use" words a.k.a swearing.. if you look at the older-older post that i posted, there is actually some swearing words. Im sorry , be happy, there's nothing i can be,  except a dentistry, Amin!.. can you believe it? i wrote the poem myself! wahh, im so terer la! (tangan di dada, mata ke atas).. Okay, Okay i'll apologize betul-betul.. I know some of you would said "ala, setakat s*** tu tak kisah laa" but its still a "not supposed to use" word, okay! So im so so and so laa sorry.. shorry shorry shorry, please accept my shorry.. lalala..erkk urmm what ever laa. hee~.

Thank you for your collaboration. =D

Sincerely, 'alia aqilah


wani said...

ahahah..u memang budak blurr la...hheheh..just kiddin

'alia aqilah said...

huhu i know.. i think i've been called the blurr kid from form4 or form5 kn? hehe :P