Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan al-kareem.

Wishing u 1 month of ramadhan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!

and here some recipe for ramadhan =) ...

A Glass of Care
A Plate of Love
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Truth &
A Bowl of Duaas.

Mix with spices of QURAAN.
Enjoy This Meal.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

lazy me.

Long time no see blog!. =) how ya all? better than before?.

Anyway, now a days i dont write that much even though i have many things to story about..
Its not like i dont like writing, its just that now a days im just too lazy to press on the keyboard and also to put words in correct sentences..  =D..

So from today, if i feel like writing then i'll write.. but if im lazy i'll express my feeling through music or some quotes or poem or something like that.. =)

So today i dont feel like writing that much, so i wanna share this music with you all..
listen to the lyrics, its so sweet.. =)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Mesin Jimat

Cuba korang baca comic gempak starz dekat bawah ni..

please click dekat pic ini untuk image yang besar =)

alangkah baiknya kalau ada mesin macam ni, confirm tak membazir =)..

kalau kita bawak keluar duit beratus-ratus, kebetulan mesin duit tu dekat dengan shopping komplekz.. mana korang pergi dulu? balik terus or shopping komplekz?..

Bagi lelaki saya kurang pasti =).. tapi bagi perempuan, keBANYAKkannya ke shopping komplekz kan?..
benda yang memang ada di rumah korang beli lagi, macam saya.. saya kalau nampak baju, lagi-lagi tengah sale kan.. memang merambang habis mata tengok baju tu, try2 tengok keluar kedai tu dengan beg shopping dua belah tangan.. adeii, membazir-membazir..

Kalau ada orang diluar sana yang terer bab-bab rekaan ni, cuba korang reka mesin macam ni.. confirm pembaziran tak berlaku =).. tapi of course kalau reka mesin macam ni, kena tambah satu lagi "lie detector" mana tahu ada orang kononnya nak membazir tapi cakap kata nak bayar duit sewa rumah ke kan =)..

and satu lagi, "desperate detector" just in case, ada orang memang desperate tak ada baju.. nak beli baju kena la bawak keluar duit kan =)..

However, apa yang saya nak cakap is.. mesin ini memang terbaik la kalau dibina =D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good life .

Have you listen to this song?
soothing aite?..
it can makes you day dreaming while listening to this song =)
especially when you first time heard this song something happen like the one that you liked pop up chat or talking to you or something like that or you were stalking the one that you liked (in my case) =)

For me, the first time i heard this song its early in the morning..
introduced by one of my friend who still half a sleep, so i searched it while that playing facebook..
after finished loading.. while listening to it, i was stalking this page who i secretly admire =P
then suddenly memories of "...." and me when we're used to be close came back..
so starting from then everytime im listening to this song, the memories spinning around my head =P..
especially when he first talk to me =D..

Secondly i really love this song music video =).. simple, unique and very cool ..
actually i really like all one republic's song.. they are all very cool song,

For example,

  • Apologize

  •             stop and stare

  • Say ( all i need)

  • All the right moves

and theres alot more =).. plus their music video its old school that what i like about it =D