Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First day of classes after the riot

Today is my first day of class after the rusuhan.. its kinda weird actually because we're not ready langsung untuk ke kuliah, maklumlah bile cuti tibe-tibe extend our kemalasan pun extend la kan =)

My first class start at 10 pagi tadi, after solat subuh dalam pukul 5 pagi gitu i can't go back to sleep so i spend my time waiting untuk jarum panjang ke 12 dan jarum pendek ke 9 untuk bersiap-siap sebelum ke kuliah.. so tunggu punye tunggu sambil open my favourite website which probably your favourite website gak..jeng jeng jeng "facebook" =).. not that much orang online time tu, so i stalked someone photos..don't kutuk me orite, i know you do it too?? just admit it laa =P anyway back to the story.. after waited till nearly 8 in the morning suddenly "syaitan" pissed atas mate i which make me so sleepy.. bile anda mengantuk anda ke mane?.. yeah correct!, to our beloved palace "katil".. before i closed my eyes, set the alarm "09:00" "ringtone = fergie-clumsy" "volume = loudest".. then...

"Can't Help it, the girl can't help it.
Can't help it, the girl can't help it.
Can't help it, the girl can't help it.
can't help it...."
but me... 
still sleeping beauty =P

When i woke up and look at the time.. "OMG!!!" its nearly 9.28 already!.. bersiap-siap dalam 10 or 15 minutes, pakai kasut dalm 1 minutes, turun tangge from fourth floor to "ardi" (ground floor) about 3 minutes? eh no 5 minutes actually.. then jarak from my house to the bus stop is about 10 minutes jalan kaki, tunggu bus 5 minutes ( if you're lucky, but if not 30minutes or maybe an hour).. from bus stop to kuliah is about 15 or 20minutes dalam bus if there's not traffic jam but if there is then 30minutes or more.. luckily my luck is so lucky that morning sampai2 je bus stop de bus dah so we didn't have to wait pun.. =) so count up peepz!.. 
kiteorang sampai kuliah about 10:10 i guessed, agak lambat but nasib baik student tak ramai so we're on the first row today!.. yeah!.. kalau time our classmate semua de, we selalu kene duduk the last or second last row.. too many people kot.. its kinda first come, first serve la kan =) plus lecturer pun tak masuk lagi time tu. (-_~)

Anyway, i actually datang kuliah hanye bawak buku kosong kecil, buku teks which is pinjam and duit untuk tambang about 3geniih and a card bank .. is this you call an excellent student? with no pen or alat tulis.. bag pun tak bawak.. aiiyyoo! aqilah you need to change laa.. if banin you all probably like "whats the big deal" because most of them macam tu, but for girls.. its kinda "kurang ajar".. let me explain myself, its not like i purposely buat macam tu its just that all of our barang-barang (buku2, baju, beg..etc) dekat rumah negeri johor.. and currently tak buka lagi nobody got the key yet.. student yang pegang kunci belum balik mesir lagi selepas rusuhan itu.. tunggu la ye =) 

Okay, back to the story.. about 10:20 lecturer masuk, so i was 10minutes earlier than the lecturer (yeay!).. Lecturer greet kiteorang and tanya2 sikit macam mane keadaan kiteorang sihat or not.. etc.. i tak dengar sangat ape lecturer tengah cakap time tu, but the thing that i hear is.. "because of the extended holidays and more chapter to go, im gonna cancel some of the chapter..." i was like alhamdullilah =).. and then the lecturer start teaching... till 11.20.. it should be 2 hours but since its the first day after the riot, our lecturer habiskan cepat la kot.. kam-sa-ha-mi-da doctorah! =)

Since we end the first class cepat sangat, kiteorang pun tak tahu nak ke mane ulang alik ke tandas and kedai ammu ramadhan (pakcik yang jual junk food tepi lecture room kiteorang).. tibe-tibe my old habit datang balik.. =S those who kenal me well, you probably know what im talking about.. this is the thing that i hate about myself .. can't defend myself daripada old habits.. what else, i was terpedaya jugak dengan my old habits.. so this is how my first day of classes end =).. sekian terimas.. 

p/s.. just ignore if you dont understand what im talking bout =).. 

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