Sunday, March 20, 2011

Costa Coffee.

You might donno ape costa coffee is right? since tak de di malaysia.. its like starbucks laa gak but  costa coffee tak de di malaysia.. i think so.   =)
Costa coffee,  its the place that we (my housemate) like to hang out at after took our money out.. since everytime kiteorang nak bawa keluar duit mesti time malam lepas magrib (the best time untuk keluarkan duit, trust me.. orang pun tak ramai plus melayu kurang ade time malam-malam =P) thats mean kiteorang akan hang out dekat costa coffee time malam je la kan.. best pun best time tu, no need to bother about worrying kalau terserempak dengan ustaz2 or ustazah2. =S plus that is when kiteorang boleh berlawa pun i mean like make up sikit and berfashion sikit hee~

For those people who tak minum coffee like myself here there's still caramels, chocolates and brownies.. Brownies and chocolates are delicious! but i prefer caramel since i love caramel all types of food that ade caramel with it except coffee caramel... caramel are my favourite (i'll fall for those yang belikan saye anything with caramel in it or on it or under it and again except coffee caramel ye) i donno myself kenape tak boleh minum coffee, my body just cant accept anything coffee, mocha or sewaktu dengannya..have i tried it? yes! i've tried it before but then i got this big headache which makes me wanna sleep all day.. =S Anyway cut the crap back to the story, everytime i went to costa coffee this will be my first choiced iced dessert caramel, caramel cheese cake.. kalau ade rezeki lebih i'll order more la kot haha.

After us finished our drinks and gossiping.. donno why but we'll be like crazy, bak kate orang "berani mati" la kot.. we'll became too friendly, maybe too too tooo friendly with orang arab sini which ustaz2 or ustazah2 agak larang gak, but alhamdullilah we all selamat sampai ke rumah nothing happened.. =)

However, actually what i wanna write is.. costa coffee is the best place to hang out kot for me.. how about you? =)

here is the picture of us.. :


small vs baby chino.

iced dessert caramel vs iced dessert brownies. 

muke gedix dowh! haha

cant stand the smell of coffee. which my friend there keep sengaje dekatkan coffee tu dengan me. =0


wani said...

waa...mcm sedap jer...i love coffe..alia,,,da pndai make up ye skg ni???ahahahah
cute la...heheheh

'alia aqilah said...

yup totally sedap! :D
erk hee~ dorg make up kan haha..

yana said...

alia dh mula make up ea..huhu..kat mna kdai ni..nnti bwa yana mcm best ja:)

'alia aqilah said...

yana - hee~ tk de la make up sgt :P time mlm2 je org tak nmpak sgt ;)
jom3, anytime yana dtg cairo roger laa.. alia bwak t ;)

yana said...

tapi nmpk la muka alia len..huhu..ok insyallah kalu xdk pa2 ingt nk g jmaat ni nk amek brg kt umah kl..apa2 nnti yana msj ea..apa2 pun trus2 mnlis blog ni..

'alia aqilah said...

ooo ye ke? alamak nk kne kurang kn la skit make up nie :S
ye ke?.. kk t roger tau, insyallah alia bleh bwak ;)