Friday, December 17, 2010

How to reduce stress.

These few days im all stress out.. with exam coming up but still no preparation, still skipping classes, got low marks in quizzes =S, not confident enough when answering quizzes, etc.. so i've been searching and searching on how to reduce stresses, and i found these few tips that kinda suit me.. i just wanna share with you all, maybe these few tips suit you too =) 

Steps to reduce stress :

  1. 1
    Look for the stressors. What stresses us differs from person to person and anybody, whether a mother at home or an executive about to close a big deal can be at risk of burnout if the stressors are intense and the person's resilience is at an all-time low. Look for the things that stress you out especially with a mind to targeting them for changes in your future approaches.
  2. 2
    Keep your nutrition at the top of the list of fighting tools
    . Good nutrition will aid clear thinking and provides you with much-needed energy. It will reduce your susceptibility to illness and it will help you to feel good in general. An added bonus to cooking your own healthy and nutritious meals is the therapeutic and de-stressing qualities of cooking.
  3. 3
    Keep a good sleep schedule. This means going to bed when you're tired, not forcing yourself to stay awake to finish those reports. Set the alarm a little earlier if needs be, just be sure to get adequate sleep. Consider power napping during the day if you are feeling really tired and slumping midway through work or activities.
  4. 4
    If you are in the middle of a stressful situation and you feel like popping, lean back, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Inhale like you're about to go under the water. Inhale through your mouth, and exhale through your nose. This is a common technique.
  5. 5
    Mentally calm yourself down. Tell yourself to relax. Think of a peaceful scene. A waterfall, a sunrise, even a rainy city at night.
  6. 6
    Prepare ahead. If you have a test or give a presentation, sit, breathe, and brainstorm about how it will go well for you.
  7. 7
    See your doc. Sometimes stress can be something worse than you think. He could even prescribe something to help or offer some good tips.
  8. 8
    Do calming things:

    • Sprinkle lavender about
    • Watch funny TV or movies
    • Get a massage. Lie on the floor with pillows and get a back rub. Smell flowers.
    • Visualize. Think of the ocean and rock with the waves. Lie in bed or in a chair and bring yourself off into another world.
    • Take a warm bath. Slip into waters with lemon juice or lavender extract. This will have a calming effect.
    • Breathe. Don't worry...just breathe.
  9. 9
    Exercise. Take a walk in the morning and prepare yourself for the day ahead

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