Friday, December 31, 2010

Mid term. and quiz

Actually im confuse, is mid term same as mid year?.. our lecturer says mid term but the date of exam is like mid year exam.. so is it the same or ape? =S

However, what im wanna write is... mid term a.k.a mid year exam is just around the corner, i mean not around the corner but memang dah di'corner dah pun .. its next week! 5/1/2011 =S but me.. still no preparation, aaarrghh! im so scared.. plus stress, tension and etc.. what to do?? otokee?? im totally stress out sekarang, i dont even know what to do sekarang..

On the other hand.
this is my mid year jadual (yang dah diberitahu) plus the chapterr that Insyallah masuk dalam exam nanti =) :
   5/1/2011 - physiology  = - cell, nerve and muscle
                                         -  Blood and immunity
                                         - The autonomic nervous system 
                                         - Cardiovascular system
                                         - Respiratory system 

  11/1/2011 - Biomaterial = - Structure of matter
                                           - Physical Properties
                                           - Mechanical properties of dental materials
                                           - Surface properties and adhesion 
                                           - polymers
                                           - Metallurgy
                                           - Tarnish and corrosion 
                                           - Model and die

 17/1/2011 - Biochemistry = - Carbohydrate Metabolism
                                            - Lipids Metabolism
                                            - Amino Acids
                                            - Proteins

 23/1/2011 - Dental Anatomy and Physiology - not sure lagi masuk ape

 26/1/2011 - Anatomy - Head and neck
                                   - Human biology

this is the only one that have been confirmed, yang lain have no idea.. maklumlah orang arab, esok nak exam baru kasi tahu.. memang stress la student2 die ..

So peepz! wish me luck.. doakan ye!!

Quiz -
 2/1/2011 - hadith - hadith 4 to 9
 6/1/2011 - Anatomy - Muscles of mastication
                                 - Parotid Gland
 8/1/2011 - biomaterial - polymer
                                    - Tarnish and corrosion
                                    - Adhension

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Songs represent moods

i listen to music like all the time, well not all the time maybe sometime =) there are also many types of songs with their own genre and etc.. Which kinda represent our personality,. But in my case, i listened to all kinda music with all different kinda genre.. it depends on my mood though =) like for example :

this when i was kinda angry.

i listened to this when im sad because of ... [biarlah rahsia]

this i listened when i was bloomy =D
plus when im happy 

this song i listened to it when im alone, it remind me when i was form3..
coz keep repeating this song over and over at midnight.

this is when im relaxing 

this when im missed somebody, even though i have no idea who actually i missed..
but when i listened to this the "miss" feeling appear.. (jiwang rite? lol)

i actually listen to lots more songs, but this is the only one that i can think of right now =)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Doa mudah hafal

This is something that i found in my friends facebook, my friend did said to share =)
So im sharing it here.. This is Doa for easy remembering. 
For hafazan, dentistry student, medical student, engineering student, etc.. 
those who have to memorize for the exam which is just around the corner and etc.. try this doa, Insyallah it'll work =)


Ya Allah, Berilah kefahaman kepadaku
seperti kefahaman Nabi-nabi, berilah kehafalan kepadaku
seperti kehafalan rasul-rasul
dan mendapat ilham daripada malaikat-malaikat
yang hampir dengan-Mu. Berselawat Allah kepada
Junjungan Besar nabi Muhammad s.a.w.,
keluarga dan para sahabatnya.

more medicine added =S

Kononnye hari ni, hari last for me to be inject. Unfortunately, pada hari ni saye di takdirkan berjumpe dengan doctor pade mase saye tidak sihat.. So doctor tu tanye-tanye questions macam mane keadaan saye, check blood pressure, check berat saye (makin turun kot :-S), check di mane sepatutnye, dan etc.. Conclusionnye, doctor want me to do the urine test.. untuk kepastian sama-ade ape-ape problem yang belum diketahui la kot.. Saye pun pergilah membuat urine test tersebut, tapi resultnye minggu depan.. [sebenarnye esok pun boleh je ambil result tu, di sebabkan kemalasan saye untuk pergi ke hospital saye minte kalau boleh ambil result tu minggu depan dan doctor tu kate boleh je =)]

Selepas habis urine test tu, saye ke doctor untuk memberitahu bahawe saye sudah memberi urine saye ke laboratory hospital tersebut dan juge untuk mengucapkan terime kasih kepade doctor tersebut.. Tapi sebelum saye keluar, doctor itu memberitahu saye bahawe saye kene makan ubat tambahan.. dia menulis name-name ubat yang saye kene beli di pharmacy, ubat-ubat tersebut ialah : 2 ubat pill dan satu ubat injection which is kene inject 3 hari berturut-turut mulai hari ini..

Mule-mule medicine pill-pill je, then medicine-medicine injection, sekarang both terus.. elok sangat la tu kan ikut pattern..

Now i really hate injection not because of sakit but because of it make holes to my skin! there are still bekas-bekas injection which tak hilang lagi but sekarang bertambah lagi holes to my body.. =Z

Today 3 injection all together i've been injected on the same day sekali gus. Tak sempat habis sakit the first injection, the second one injected lak, then the third.. it was kinda really hurt ='(
Tomorrow another one lak, hopefully satu je.. but still sakit hari ni pun belum okay lagi, macam mane la esok ye.. dah la ubat tambahan tu agak banyak liquidnye, so it took time agak panjang.. sakit oo tadi, luckily i didn't cry =)

However, wish me luck for tomorrow injection =D

p/s - do take care of your health ye everyone.. =)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Petua menjadi orang cemerlang menurut Al-Quran

Anda inginkan petua-petua untuk menjadi pelajar cemerlang walau di mana sahaja anda berada?

Apa kata kita renungkan kembali beberapa petua atau tips kejayaan yang telah Allah SWT titipkan di permulaan surah Al-Mu'minun, surah yang ke-23 di dalam lembaran Al-Quran.

01.Keyakinan, kepercayaan and keimanan kepada Allah SWT

"Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman." [23:1]

Iman dan kejayaan disebut oleh Allah SWT dalam ayat yang sama. Maka imanlah faktor utama kejayaan. Dan keyakinan yang tinggi inilah yang akan melahirkan sikap positif yang bakal disebutkan dibawah.

02.Fokus, bersungguh-sungguh, sepenuh hati

"iaitu orang-orang yang khusyuk dalam solatnya." [23:2]

Lakukan satu-satu perkara dalam satu-satu masa. Jangan mencapah dan melayang fikiran ke sana ke mari. Lakukan dengan sepenuh hati, bukan sambil lewa.

03.Prioriti. Mengutamakan apa yang utama.

"dan orang-orang yang menjauhkan diri dari lagha (perbuatan dan perkataan yang tidak berguna)." [23:3]

Kebiasaannya dalam menghadapi musim peperiksaan yang penuh tekanan, kita cenderung untuk berehat dan menenangkan minda dengan hiburan, menonton drama, bersembang di Facebook dan seumpanya sehinggakan selalu sahaja melebihi daripada masa rehat yang telah kita peruntukkan.

Sebaik-baiknya kita mengoptimumkan penggunaan masa untuk belajar, dan mengisi masa rehat kita dengan perkara-perkara yang berfaedah seperti membasuh, melipat atau menggosok baju, bersenam untuk melancarkan perjalanan darah di dalam badan dan bermacam-macam lagi yang anda sendiri lebih sedia maklum.

Namun, sebaik-baiknya kita gunakan masa rehat itu untuk mengambil wudu', melakukan solat sunat dan membaca Al-Quran. InsyaAllah apabila kita lebih rapat dengan Allah SWT, jiwa kita akan lebih tenang dan ia akan banyak membantu dalam usaha kita mengulangkaji pelajaran.

Kita dikehendaki menghindarkan diri dari perbuatan mengumpat pensyarah/guru kerana perkara-perkara sebegini tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada masa depan anda, tidak menambahkan markah untuk kertas peperiksaan yang bakal/telah diduduki, malah boleh mendatangkan dosa dan kemurkaan Allah SWT.

04.Prihatin sesama kita

"dan orang-orang yang menunaikan zakat." [23:4]

Walaupun sedang berada di saat-saat genting, janganlah kita bersikap terlalu mementingkan diri, dan mengabaikan kawan-kawan yang lebih susah di sekeliling kita. Kongsilah apa yang termampu, samada ilmu, kertas-kertas soalan tahun lepas dan lain-lain. Sharing is caring.

05.Jaga hubungan antara lelaki dan perempuan

"dan orang-orang yang menjaga kehormatannya. kecuali terhadap isteri-isteri mereka, atau hamba yang mereka miliki, maka mereka (isteri dan hamba) dalam hal ini tiada tercela. Sesiapa yang mencari dibalik itu, mereka itulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas." [23:5,6,7]

Janganlah kita menggunakan alasan belajar untuk melanggari batas-batas pergaulan antara lelaki dan perempuan ajnabi, misalnya dengan studi berdua-duan, kemudian pulang ke rumah berpimpin tangan, atau asal tertekan je mesti nak bergayut atau berchatting dengan kawan lelaki/perempuan anda.

Padahal Allah SWT kan sentiasa ada, sentiasa melindungi dan sentiasa menolong jika kita mencari dan meminta pada-Nya.

06.Jujur, amanah

" dan orang-orang yang memelihara amanah-amanah dan janjinya."[23:8]

Bukankah kita telah berjanji dengan pihak penaja dan ibu bapa kita untuk belajar bersungguh-sungguh? Lebih penting lagi, bukankah kita telah berjanji dengan Allah SWT untuk memanfaatkan peluang kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar yang telah dipinjamkan-Nya kepada kita sebagai medan untuk kita mengutip ilmu, pengalaman dan pahala buat bekalan di akhirat sana?

Elakkan menipu ketika peperiksaan. Andai penjaga peperiksaan meminta kita berhenti menulis kerana masa sudah tamat, jangan pula kita terus menulis. Sebaliknya sebutlah "Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'ala Allahi wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil 'azim."

07.Tepati waktu

"dan orang-orang yang memelihara solatnya." [23:9]

Konsep yang boleh diambil dalam konteks kehidupan seorang pelajar Muslim ialah supaya sentiasa belajar dengan berdisiplin, menepati masa, tidak berlengah-lengah, menjaga kualiti dan produktiviti harian kita. Jika sebelum ini kita diingatkan supaya berhenti menulis apabila tamat masa peperiksaan, kita juga perlu memulakan perjuanganan kita dalam pelajaran dan peperiksaan seawal yang mungkin. Memelihara solat lima kali sehari setiap hari juga mengajar kita untuk tidak berputus asa atau berpatang arang di pertengahan jalan.

Namun janganlah kita hanya mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep ini untuk akademik semata-mata. Penekanan utama dalam ayat tersebut supaya kita menjaga hubungan kita dengan Allah SWT kerana kita akan kembali mengadap-Nya dengan amal-amal kita, bukan dengan berapa gulung ijazah yang berjaya kita perolehi. Belajar dan ijazah hanyalah alat untuk kita mencapai keredhaan Allah SWT dan merebut peluang mewarisi syurga-Nya.

p/s - i took this from other sites, but just wanna share with you all =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The icarus account - favorite girl

try listen to this song. the best! =)
so sweet!. i love the lyrics, so so so sweet..
oooh! i just wish my boyfriend while giving some flowers, at the park picnicking, singing this "favorite girl" to me..   
as romantic as the song's lyrics.
but unfortunately thats only gonna be in my day-dream.
since i don't even have any boyfriend lol.
so im giving this opportunity for those men outside. 
please sing me this song.. =D

p/s this song actually one of my senior yang introduce =D.. thankz yo!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

i like you but...

When im online, the first name that I’ll be looking at is you.
But you’re not online.
I wait and wait when you will online.
While im waiting for you to be online, my heart “duuuupp daaaaapp” “duuuuuppp daaaappp”..
But then when I saw your name online, my heart went “dup dap” "dup dap” “dup dap” really fast.. 
Then i'll stare at your online name for hours thinking whether to say Hi or not.. my heart say a big YES but my shyness is too strong.. so i keep starring at your online name for hours and hours..
When i have guts to say Hi, while im typing suddenly your name went offline.
I said to myself, its not my luck today maybe next time.

I didn't go offline in case you'll be online in anytime.
While waiting for you to be online, i stalk your pictures in your facebook albums..
every photo that you uploaded, i read every comment that your friends commented.
every comment that your girl-friends commented i felt so jealous of her, even only one word comment.. because i can't even say "hi" to you..
I wait and wait but still no sign of you online .

The next morning, first thing i will do is to check on you again even though i know you'll be still sleeping that time.. 
Keep staring at your Yahoo ID, "when will you be online?" "should i send him offline wake up message?" "what time are you going to classes?" "will i meet you on the way to classes, coincidently?".. thats what keep going around in my mind every morning.  

After i got back from classes, the first thing i'll go to is the computer.. looking at your yahoo ID, i know you'll be online that time.
But i don't know how to start the conversation, so i pretend to ask a question even though i already know the answer.
"may i ask some question"
"how to....."
"hi back"
even though your answered is only one word answered, i was really happy that you actually answered my question.
i pretend to ask another question again, but then i saw you were typing..
so i wait..
"sorry, somebody is coming."
i was really happy, because you said "take care"..
so i quickly reply
"tc too"

After that first "hi" i have courage to say hi and chat with you.
We becomes close to each other,
although you always pick on me
i was still really happy and blooming.
nearly everyday we chatted,
even though i have to go back and fourth to the cyber cafe.
 But then it was exam time, you and i was busy studying
So we didn't online that much.
After the exam there was holidays.
We never chat again after that.

There once a program, i didn't know that you are coming. suddenly you poop out of nowhere and say "hi" to me.
though you still pick on me that day
Do you know how i felt that time?
 i was very and really HAPPY that you actually still remembered and recognized me.
i pretend to be normal until the program finished and went back home.
i can't even stay still, i felt like i was so lucky that day.
I went to see if you are online somewhere.
but there are no news of you.

The next program, i was hoping you come.
but i did not see your face anywhere.
suddenly there was a bell
"ting tong"
but it was your friend.

The night of the program, you came.
you stand next to me, but you ignored me.
that was a heart broken.
i say "hi", but you ignored me
i said to myself maybe you didn't hear it.
i called you, you look at me then face away.
the third time i try, but you shout at me infront of other people.
that was really a heartbroken.
i try to ask you what happen, but again you ignored me.
i said sorry, again you ignored me.
You went away to your friends, talking, laughing, smiling with your friends.
At the end of the program, you called me in the room.
the moment i went in the room, you pulled me and said
"stop all this"

From then, i know that you never liked me.

p/s - this does not applicable to me okay? =D


click on the picture for bigger size.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Injection. =S

In my family, i used to be the most "scary cat" kalau bab inject-inject ni.. tengok jarum pun boleh pengsan..
lagi la kalau jarum tu masuk dalam badan kite ( i mean like ambil darah, etc) definitely lagi la pengsan teruk..
i remembered time kecil-kecil dulu, nak tebuk telinge untuk subang.. i screamed like crazy, menangis sampai atas lantai meraung macam nak pecah je kotak suare.. kebetulan depan kedai tu tengah traffic jem, lagi la orang semua  tengok aku menjerit sorang macam orang gile.. sampai orang yang nak cucuk kan subang tu pun takut, sebab die mane cucuk lagi pun.. baru keluarkan jarum je tu.. memang memalukan betul la time tu..sangat memalukan.. lepas tu parent aku cakap, "nanti tak nak bawak aqilah dah, malu je" sedih je dengar .. 

 Tapi sekarang, padan muke dengan aku takut sangat dengan jarumkan? setiap hari kene inject di..... intermuscular.. First time di inject aku suruh salah sorang akak kuliah-mate aku cucukkan.. (incase korang nak tahu nape aku suruh akak ni cucukkan : kat sini kalau inject-inject ni kene inject sendiri (aku lak tak berani nak cucuk sendiri), doctor tak buatkan.. i mean doctor buat tapi ubat semua kene beli dekat pharmacy then nak g hospital balik macam susah skit, nak jumpe doctor pun kena bayar 30l.e.. baik aku beli makan dekat hardees je kenyang pun kenyang).. back to the story, lepas cucuk tu agak lebam and 2 or 3 hari aku tak pergi kuliah sebab sakit and sakit bile berjalan + aku tetibe lak demam lepas cucuk tu.. kire seminggu jugak la aku tak g kuliah because of sakit and demam..
 First ubat inject ni, doctorah aku cakap kene inject every week je.. so the next injection aku mintak tolong housemate aku injectkan tapi setengah jalan je sebab silap cucuk huhu..macam ni ceritenye = first kononnye nak cucuk dekat pharmacy, but time is running out so aku mintak tolong je la housemate aku.. dah ready untuk cucuk tapi ... housemate aku yang aku suruh cakap kate die tak berani (student lagi la katekan, aku pun takut jugak mule2 tapi dah pernah rase sakit cucuk first time tu, aku dah redha je kalau salah cucuk gak lol.. ) then housemate aku panggil housemate aku sorang lagi mintak tolong cucuk, housemate aku no2 pun cucuk.. tapi tibe2 die berhenti, aku pun pelik kenape la die berhenti sekali tengok belakang muke diorang muke cuak =S menyebabkan aku jadi lebih takut.. housemate aku no3 datang and marah-marah kate suruh g cucuk dekat pharmacy.. last-last malam tu g la cari pharmacy yang boleh tolong injectkan... first pharmacy - tak terime injection, second pharmacy - tak terime gak, third pharmacy - tak gak, fourth pharmacy - alhamdullilah.. terime gak akhir nye =) .. mule2 malu gile ar kan sebab doctor tu lelaki, tapi no choice punye pasal kene gak cucuk.. nasib baik tak sakit..~  time doctor tu nak inject, die nampak bekas housemate + akak tu inject die geleng kepale and kate "this is wrong" =S no wonder la sakit, due2 bekas inject tu lebam until sekarang (kire dah 4 minggu lebih gak lebam tu tak hilang.. ).. then sejak hari itu aku g inject dekat pharmacy, lebih selamat =)

 Setiap minggu i have to go to hospital jumpe doctor, and setiap minggu la ubat aku bertambah.. dulu ubat pill je, sekarang ubat yang diinject.. first ubat inject seminggu sekalikan, second ubat inject pula 3 hari sekali.. setiap 3 hari aku kene g pharmacy untuk diinject, sampai semue pembantu pharmacy pun dah kenal and dah tahu kalau aku datang je mesti nak diinject.. sampai ade salah seorang pembantu pharmacy kate " suke jarum eyh?" lol.. nasib baik pembantu pharmacy yang inject aku tu kacak orangnye, (haha gatal jap)..

Yup, the pembantu pharmacy who injected me lebih cute plus handsome dari doctor di atas =D

 The next appointment dengan doctor aku tu, die bagi ubat baru tapi ubat kali ni kene inject setiap hari untuk 3 hari.. (nasib baik 3 hari je, menangis gak aku kalau kene inject setiap hari untuk selamenye).. On the same day, aku g pharmacy beli ubat tersebut.. doctor tu kate ubat ni inter venous, jadi aku pun hulur je tangan untuk diinject.. first die ambil darah sikit untuk make sure betul tempat yang die cucuk, then baru die inject ubat.. lame gak la die cucuk ubat ni, syringe tu penuh dengan ubat (memang banyak amount ubat tu) aku tahan je sakit.. then after inject di inter venous, satu lagi ubat (yang seminggu sekali) diinject di inter muscular..viscosity ubat tu agak high jadi bile diinject tu memang sangat la lambat padahal amount ubat tu sikit je, bile lambat dapat rase la sakitnye tu..
 Keesokkan hari tu, lepas aku habis kuliah terus ke pharmacy untuk ubat yang kene inject setiap hari tu.. tapi hari tu pembantu pharmacy yang lain, plus ade doctor perempuan yang jage sekali.. aku minta ubat (yang kene inject setiap hari), tapi doctor perempuan tu kate ubat tersebut sepatotnye inject di inter muscular.. dalam hati aku "aah sudah semalam aku bagi tangan inject tu ubat mane, salah ubat ke?" then aku try call doctor aku tanya tentang ubat tu, then bagi doctor aku cakap dengan doctor pharmacy tu.. dorang sembang punye sembang, conclusionnye.. ubat semalam yang inject dekat inter venous tu salah ubat..~ maksudnye aku bagi tangan aku diinject sia-sia je la.. sia-sia je semalam tangan aku sakit.. sabar je la yang aku boleh buat.. bak kate orang "patience is virtue"...yang tak boleh belah nye ubat semalam diinject tangan tu tak di kire.. kene start balik inject 3 hari berturut-turut pade hari itu.. Tak pe nak sihat punye pasal dengar je la cakap doctor =) sejak hari tu, pembantu pharmacy yang lebih kacak tolong injectkan.. lagi la aku rase suke di'inject haha.. siyes gatal tol aku nie =D ..

On the other hand, ubat aku tak habis lagi.. maksudnye ade lagi la peluang nak jumpe pembantu pharmacy yang kacak tu lol.. =D tak sabar lak nak tunggu esok, esok ubat yang 3 hari sekali tu nak diinject.. minggu depan hari sabtu lak ubat yang seminggu sekali tu .. then rasenye im free from injection =).. mesti rindunye nanti lepas habis dah ubat-ubat ni.. nanti tak jumpe dah ubat-ubat ampules tu, tak jumpe syringe-syringe, tak jumpe needle-needle yang menakutkan tu, dan for sure im gonna miss the pembantu pharmacy yang inject saye.. surely gonna miss him haha..  

Friday, December 17, 2010

How to reduce stress.

These few days im all stress out.. with exam coming up but still no preparation, still skipping classes, got low marks in quizzes =S, not confident enough when answering quizzes, etc.. so i've been searching and searching on how to reduce stresses, and i found these few tips that kinda suit me.. i just wanna share with you all, maybe these few tips suit you too =) 

Steps to reduce stress :

  1. 1
    Look for the stressors. What stresses us differs from person to person and anybody, whether a mother at home or an executive about to close a big deal can be at risk of burnout if the stressors are intense and the person's resilience is at an all-time low. Look for the things that stress you out especially with a mind to targeting them for changes in your future approaches.
  2. 2
    Keep your nutrition at the top of the list of fighting tools
    . Good nutrition will aid clear thinking and provides you with much-needed energy. It will reduce your susceptibility to illness and it will help you to feel good in general. An added bonus to cooking your own healthy and nutritious meals is the therapeutic and de-stressing qualities of cooking.
  3. 3
    Keep a good sleep schedule. This means going to bed when you're tired, not forcing yourself to stay awake to finish those reports. Set the alarm a little earlier if needs be, just be sure to get adequate sleep. Consider power napping during the day if you are feeling really tired and slumping midway through work or activities.
  4. 4
    If you are in the middle of a stressful situation and you feel like popping, lean back, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Inhale like you're about to go under the water. Inhale through your mouth, and exhale through your nose. This is a common technique.
  5. 5
    Mentally calm yourself down. Tell yourself to relax. Think of a peaceful scene. A waterfall, a sunrise, even a rainy city at night.
  6. 6
    Prepare ahead. If you have a test or give a presentation, sit, breathe, and brainstorm about how it will go well for you.
  7. 7
    See your doc. Sometimes stress can be something worse than you think. He could even prescribe something to help or offer some good tips.
  8. 8
    Do calming things:

    • Sprinkle lavender about
    • Watch funny TV or movies
    • Get a massage. Lie on the floor with pillows and get a back rub. Smell flowers.
    • Visualize. Think of the ocean and rock with the waves. Lie in bed or in a chair and bring yourself off into another world.
    • Take a warm bath. Slip into waters with lemon juice or lavender extract. This will have a calming effect.
    • Breathe. Don't worry...just breathe.
  9. 9
    Exercise. Take a walk in the morning and prepare yourself for the day ahead

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"A" forgive me.

every time i listen to this song it reminded me one of my friend,"A".. me and "A" used to be closed together, i mean like we chit chat together, send each other songs via ym, etc..  but then something happen which is totally my fault for being such a hot tempered plus a jerk.. im so sorry... well it start like this => i send "A" a msg which is very and totally harsh words .. im sure "A" must be very shock while reading the msg.. i, myself shocked for tulis those msg.. it just not me.. i was so angry that time so i sent the msg without thinking..and padan muke for myself for being such a hot tempered..  i just wanna say sorry for the msg, so please forgive me =S

this song was sent by "A" when i was feeling down because of "study last minute"..
i listened it nearly everyday after "A" sent this song...

and this song too, urmm i forgot why you sent it.. lol
but im sure it was "A" favourite..

p/s please forgive me "A"..

Friday, December 10, 2010

Peng'deactivate'an facebook

wahh! i am so proud of myself.. wanna know why?? coz i  sekarang sudah deactivatekan my own facebook.. u should do it too, u'll be proud of yourself too.. well its deactivate je tahu! not like delete it.. so if you saw me online on holidays do not say "ait, kate dah deactivate" "online nampak" etc.. because im telling you its only deactivate not delete =)

 Wanna know why i deactivate facebook?.. well theres alot of reasons why..
here the list of reasons. :

  • too addicted 
  • too wasting my time
  • not studying because of the facebook
  • need to concentrate on my studies
  • etc...
sebenarnye byak je lagi reasons but those are the one that i can think of =)
addicted - im so addicted.. i think~ well mane tak nye, straight after class facebook terus.. then online sampai la ke magrib, magrib ke isyak.. study nye tak juga.. konon nye time class planning balik ni nak study all the subject that missed but then end up depan computer berfacebook.. see how i wasted my time before?.. sangat la wasting time kan.. thats why now, im proudly and gladly with myself sebab boleh deactivate facebook.. so tepuk tangan for me =D

p/s =
btw, kalau deactivate your facebook totally gone right? even if your friend search for your facebook, theres none right? but mine is special =P you can still search, tag, etc me.. of course la kan, i deactivate facebook by asked one of my friend untuk pegang my facebook password even though if i asked for it i amanah kan her supaye tak bagi only if its emergency or on holidays =)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Family Tree".

Welcome to the Girl's generation 's family! well not all the names above is in girls generation family, its just those who currently my housemate which is lala, fa, ueya, aen, me and jeremy =)

Back to the story, for those who didnt know us mesti have no idea what this all about.. family tree? gunting? love? girls je? that gross ~ =S.. well let me explain whats this photo actually mean..


let me start with lala and fa.. Lala and Fa is married and give a birth to Ieyna.. Ieyna then grow up very successfully and dapat datang ke Egypt which is where she found Aen.. They're happily in love, after few months they're married and give birth to me =) but before that Ieyna brought her parent (Lala and Fa) to live with her in egypt .. That the first story, short right? its gonna get more complicated after this.. so gather up your brain! 

 The second story of this family.. We live as happy family for nearly one year, but then theres some problem which is they're both "curang".. =S.. Aen meet this ueya long time ago from the first time aen come to egypt but ueya at that time was deeply in love with atikah, who is the children of Ika.. unfortunately ueya cannot cooperate with ika as her mother in law, so ueya asked atikah for a "clash".. Then suddenly ueya and aen meet again, so they happily talk and date everyday for three months and suddenly Ueya asked Aen to marry her.. b'coz of the love aen say yes =) automatically aen and ieyna divorced, they separate and aen find a new house to move in with ueya... since they're separate im in the middle between aen and ieyna, i have to choose whether i want to be under care of aen or ieyna =S and decided to follow aen.. 

 On the 12th August aen and ueya officially married, and kak aina as tok kadi.. and me as a bride maid =D they then move in to the house together and me as their daughter.. lol .. but there's another one enter our family, jeremy which is adopted by ueya.. 

 To Ieyna's story, after aen and ueya married she has to move out from the old house we used to live.. Ika (who is the mother of atikah and also the old friend of Ieyna) heard about Ieyna's move out, so she invite Ieyna to live with her and also introduce Ieyna to Atikah.. On the october they're marry  but far away marriage ( i mean Atikah were still somewhere overseas when they're marrying) and also kak aina as the tok kadi.. on the same month fa and lala, came back from their anniversary holidays which they took for 3 months =D   since the old house that we used to stay already moved out,and since Lala and Fa is Atikah's parent in law so Atikah let Lala and Fa to stay at their (ieyna and atikah's house) house, while Atikah is not back yet.. 

But then aen heard about Fa and Lala dah balik ke Egypt, (the relationship of ex-parent in law is still strong) aen asked fa and lala to move in with us.. At the end of the October they moved in =)  So we live happily as the old family only that exchange Ieyna with Ueya and jeremy been added as new member =D and we named our house as Girls Generation.. lol

p/s - sorry my english very bad,~ ignore the mistakes =) 
     - this is non-sense so dont believe it.. we're all straight alright =D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Big brother =D

Thats him, my one and only big brother =) 
i know, we kinda look alike right? thats what nearly everybody says when they saw us next to each other.. 
but actually he's 16 month older than me.. so count up peepz! how old is he now then?? 
are we twins ?? =D lol
orite orite i'll tell yah, he's actually one year older than me.. he was born on the 14th of April in 1990 and me 8th of September in 1991, its 16 month and days right? 

However, lets start the story from the beginning.. shall we? our parent used to call us like "anjing and kucing" well you know what the phrases are for right? 
in case, its always used for those who likes to fight with each other.. like dog and cat they never seen next to each other right? well of course only when they are caged next to each other =)
try and put them together the dog will start barking and the cat will start "shrieking".. this is what my brother and i used to be described, scary huh? we actually dont even know what we're fighting for.. lol

there once my family and i went shopping together when we're back home, i cant remember what happened before that but i cried and my brother and i already fighting.. so our parent put us outside the house and said that we cant enter the house until we finished fighting, our parent also give us penyapu and mop for us lol.. lastly i entered the house first since i didnt do anything to continue the fighting (angelic la katekan), then my dad asked whether i want my brother in or not.. i cant really see other people suffering alone, so i said yes.. goody sister right? haha 3=P 
bak kate quote : "A brother who was once a bother."
i grow up with him from the first day i was born till my brother and me officially finished our high school (hurray! kidding) ..we went to same kindergarten, same primary school and also same high school.. but then last we separated i mean he's studying in other University and me in other.. firstly i like it, but then when days past by and years flow by.. what im confused till now is i still keep talking about him to my friends and siap promote him and also set him up with one of my friend lol.. what i was trying to say is i kinda misses him for taking care of me when i was in school, for being a driver and sent me to extra classes or other places, for being a busy body with whom i friends with and also for being a good big brother =)
"A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams."

"There's no other love like the love for a brother.  There's no other love like the love from a brother."

i'll pray for your successfulness, and be a successful doctor in the future.. and  hopefully you could come here next year or any other year.. amin! 

p/s =
  • study leklok! im waiting here in egypt..
  • for my big sis, lil bro and lil sis's' im on my way to write about you all too.. so no need to "kecik hati" =)


Skipped Classes.. again =(

Today i purposely tak go to class.. =( ..yeah orite, orite you can just kutuk or angry or whatever at me.. because i pun dah tak tahu ape nak buat with my own self, even though lots of people have given me advice and everything its just working only for few days then im back to suke ponteng :-S.. how am i gonna get jayyid or jayyid jiddan or mumtaz with my attitude macam ni?. im just so lucky that i got good results for last year (good result i mean like with my attitude suke poteng and malas study last year? its just so lucky).. im lucky last year, but this year who knows what will happen, right? (na'uzubillah for what i've just thinking just now)..

 I just donno ape nak buat dah ni,.. i do felt regret whenever i skip classes but then the feeling of regret just keeps going and going and going and going.. well, of course because i keep skipping classes.. its just stupid right when you feel regret about something that you make yourself  but still you keep repeating it again and again and again.. what am i gonna do with myself?? i just wish my parent are here so that i could actually realize how hard they're working find money to pay my fees here, plus for my sisters and brothers which is still studying so they need money too right for their University and school fees..

 Sometimes i wish i could just be a dentist without going to classes every morning, without listening to what the doctorah or doctor lecturing infront, without studying, without exams and etc.. i just wish that i have special dentist brain or special power that i could just like hypnosis (macam cerite vampire's diaries tu) people so that they can just let me be a dentist without going through all this studying thing =) but i know it can only happen in my dream.. so 'alia aqilah! stop day dreaming..!

 I think need a counsel, not think but i really need one.. no no no i need a rehab special for laziness.. is there any? or maybe Damon (in vampire's diaries) could just easily take out my memory about me being a lazy ass and fill it in with studiousness.. can psychiatrist do like that?? if can, i really need to find one..take me to them! fast!

 Ummi, Baba im so sorry for being such a lazy daughter here.. i will try my best not to skip classes again! i promise starting from tomorrow Insyallah.. i'll gather up my "rajinness" to vs my laziness or ignore what people gonna "egg on" to skip classes, not to study or etc even if its got to do with any ships and etc..
Hopefully it happen in real life tomorrow.. =)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Salam Ma'al Hijrah 1432!

Salam Ma'al Hijrah!..

Actually  i can't remember ape kiteorg buat time ma'al hijrah tahun lepas, ade program ke time tu? =) ape-ape pun harap2 time tu buat something useful :) ..

This time is the first time kiteorg (my housemate) bace doa akhir and awal tahun sesame.. i mean not all of us, because some of us baru on the way back from kuliah that time.. they missed it, but hopefully they read the doa on their way back :) even though i was ill but alhamdullilah i can still gather my energy for ma'al hijrah.. siswa AQ (agent which i came here with) ade buat sambutan ma'al hijrah, sorry i cant attend myself there walaupun ade makan-makan di sane, semoge going well there :)

However i would like to take this opportunity to wish all my muslim brothers and sisters.. Salam Ma'al Hijrah 1432.. May this year brings Us more barakah and rahmat from Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala and benefit from the knowledge Allah has bestowed upon us. Amin!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Me in class =)

Yup.. this is me in class ;)
believe it or not? lol
i can be "tekun" too you know.. 

 tekun right? hee~

few minutes past
we can't really focused on something for long time right?
the teacher is teaching biochemistry, but histology book the one that infront of us.. 

when our brain is working the energy will be decreased.. so..
this what happened
too hungry..!
our stomach will be like crazy, our brain cant even think straight..
eat jangan tak eat =)

after we eat what will happen?
this what happen.. 
no wonder i didnt get any single things what i've learned in biochemistry..

i really need to change myself to more good students..
change alia change! 

Monday, November 15, 2010

save your heart.. i mean save my heart!

This song is really suit for me. guess why? i fall in love with certain people but the one that i fall for definitely doesnt fall for me :-S
i really need to save my heart from falling ..
pathetic right? 
but here it goes...

She fell to the bottom of her life
This wasn't meant for two
She struggles to find herself in time
But she can barely move

Just try and get up
You gotta slowly brush off
I know that words aren't enough
But you're better than this

Save your heart
For someone that's worth dying for
Don't give it away
Torn apart
Never getting what you've been crying for
It's always the same

She turns the pages everyday
Just to change the mood
But every chapter reads the same
So hard to make it through

Just try and get up
You gotta slowly brush off
I know that words aren't enough
But you're better than this

Save your heart
For someone that's worth dying for
Don't give it away
Torn apart
Never getting what you've been crying for
It's always the same

And you give (and you give)
And they take (and they take)
And it's love that you want
But not love that you make

Save your heart
For someone that's worth dying for
Don't give it away

Save your heart
For someone who leaves you breathless
And I know that you're scared
Seems like someone said you had it in you
All along you said you knew this was wrong
But still worth dying for

Save your heart
For someone who leaves you breathless
And I know that you're scared
Seems like someone said you had it in you (are you scared?)
All along you said you knew this was wrong
But still worth dying for

And you give (and you give)
And they take (and they take)
And it's love that you want
But not love that you make

Save your heart
For someone that's worth dying for
Don't give it away
Don't give it away

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Teka-teki Imam Ghazali

Suatu hari, Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya lalu beliau bertanya ( Teka Teki ) :

Imam Ghazali = " Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini ?

"Murid 1 = " Orang tua
"Murid 2 = " Guru
"Murid 3 = " Teman
"Murid 4 = " Kaum kerabat

"Imam Ghazali " Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah MATI. Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ( Surah Ali-Imran :185).

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini ?

"Murid 1 = " Negeri China
"Murid 2 = " Bulan
"Murid 3 = " Matahari
"Murid 4 = " Bintang-bintang "Iman Ghazali =
" Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU.Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama".

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?
"Murid 1 = " Gunung
"Murid 2 = " Matahari
"Murid 3 = " Bumi
"Imam Ghazali =" Semua jawapan itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al A'raf: 179). Maka kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka."

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling berat di dunia?
"Murid 1 = " Baja
"Murid 2 = " Besi
"Murid 3 = " Gajah

"Imam Ghazali =" Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah."

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini ?
"Murid 1 = " Kapas
"Murid 2 = " Angin
"Murid 3 = " Debu
"Murid 4 = " Daun-daun

"Imam Ghazali =" Semua jawapan kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali di dunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT. Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat "

Imam Ghazali = " Apa yang paling tajam sekali di dunia ini?
"Murid- Murid dengan serentak menjawab = "Pedang

"Imam Ghazali =" Itu benar, tapi yang paling tajam sekali di dunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA. Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasan saudaranya sendiri "

wadzakkir fa innadzikra tanfa'ul mu'miniin

p/s- took this from my friend's cousin =)