Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why i love egypt

Hello there.

Well first of all, Hari ini dalam sejarah new president of egypt naik!.
Mabrukk 3alaik Dr. Muhammad Mursi.. may Allah be with you always.
nearly all the egyptian turun tahrir for this. kanak-kanak pun semangat turun =)

Im seriously terharu dengan orang-orang sini.. well see this pic

What else to explain. by looking at these pictures makes you terharu right?. 
this is the picture while waiting and after the announcement of pilihan raya ..
here some more

sujud syukur

Anywhere, anytime in their heart there's only One, Allah.. 

what i really wanna say is that, im so totally in love with egypt by their "Allah first".. 
do you know that most of the egyptian here when adzan is heard they went straight to masjid and pray jemaah. And if you went to the masjid well its so full i mean compare to malaysia.. you can count with your finger right?. 
And also, everything came out from their mouth is "Subhanallah" "Masyallah" and etc.. even when they're fighting what came out from their mouth is not swearing. but they were doa.. nice innit? 
I know that when they're fighting it was like world war but then after few minute or two they were like best friend. Subhanallah.. 
Also if two people fighting all the people nearby will like calm those who were fighting not like "fight fight fight" what the??

another thing that i love about egypt is that they do not laugh at people's mistake or etc.. like when somebody falls all people who is near by they would quickly try and help the one that falls. what about malaysia? they laugh first then help right? .. There once my friend told me that in her class one of her classmate's bag got stuck at the door knob and nearly all her classmate laugh but then their doctor got really angry with them by laughing at her. seriously you shouldn't laugh at people dude its musibah you should help not laugh. just so that you're not misunderstood all the girls in the classroom is malaysian and the doctor is the egyptian. 

Their girls/women.. 
they really taking care of their aurah. i know some of them clothes were like "ketat" but its covered every aurah without see through clothes and etc.. but most of the kaum hawa here wears jubah or long skirt and etc.. what i see is that they dont really wear jeans or trousers because trousers makes you legs more prominent innit so thats why they dont really wear jeans or trousers. 
There are also islam's women/girls who dont wear hijab but they really take care of their prayer. 
And also i like women/girls here they're just so brave and very mean to men/boys. bak kate melayu "they dont give face to men/boys here" if you ask men/boys here do they like egyptian women/girls most of them with the answer no. lol. 

When they wanna learn they really put all the spirit into it. and believe me they dont really give up that easily. 

The most thing i love about egypt is that most of them bring al-Quran everywhere they go and of course except those place al-Quran not allowed right =).. and they dont just bring it with them they also read it every time they're free like while standing in bus or waiting for the bus and etc.. even though they already like hafaz the whole al-Quran.. Subhanallah. 
also, most of the kedai or in the car what you'll listen is peope/radio reciting al-Quran and i mean MOST of it =)

Haa, another thing that i like the most in about egypt is time Ramadhan.. Subhanallah, Allahuakbar ! i just cant describe how ramadhan here. kalau boleh i dont wanna miss ramadhan in egypt at all. like serious talking here.!. i love ramadhan here. i donno how to describe how wonderful, peaceful, and more beautiful words.. i think you should come and spent one month of ramadhan here then you'll know it. like seriously rugi kalau tak datang and spent ramadhan here. 

there just alot more actually. its just to many/much or whatever i love egypt for!!. 
there's no words to describe how much i love egypt.. 
im just hoping you'll do too. =D

anyway thats all from now.. buhbye 

btw, i feels so close to Allah here actually =)

here a song about egypt =) they pray so kushuk right subhanallah

here another. its the same song with subtitle and different background video