Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ego. Emosi. Exam - sorry

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Hye =)

Exam, exam, exam,.. its been two days since our final written and oral exam started =)..
How was it?.. well not that good actually.. =(  time exam laa problem banyak datang..
emosi terganggu, cepat marah, muram, cepat terasa benda kecil pun nak terasa.. adeii!..
Angin darah bak kate pill HPA "Tuju Angin".. Angin darah adalah sejenis penyakit yang angin ade dalam saluran darah kite yang menyebabkan emosi terganggu, cepat marah..Pill HPA tuju angin bukan itu  sahaja kelebihannya malah dia bermanfaat untuk migrain, gastrik, mengatasi perut kembung (for girls mesti nakkan? =P), cepat penat and etc..   =) ..

So in that case, im one of the mangsa yang mempunyai penyakit tersebut (angin darah).. Entahlah kenapa but currently im not in the good mood.. sampaikan kawan-kawan sekeliling pun kena tempiasnya.. im sorry ..well maybe this sorry is not that special anymore since i always said it but truthfully speaking semua perkataan "sorry" "minta maaf" "ma'alish" dan sewaktu dengannya adalah ikhlas dari hati setiap kali saya cakap =) .. i know its kinda my own fault tibe-tibe moody pagi-pagi aite.. i mean like tibe-tibe senyap.. i dont even know myself what got into me, it was like somebody whispering "(tak sepatot ditulis)".. but mestilah semua perkara devil-devilnya la kan..

Everytime that tuttt somebody tengah whispering into my ears, i was like "aqilah sabar aqilah sabar! .. its not true, its just syaitannirojim punya kerja" but on the same time "a'a betul jugak kan.." and also surely disebabkan my ego is kinda tinggi lately..

 i used to be like bile terasa hati or something like that, i'll be like sabar and let it go.. But then sekarang tibe-tibe ego tinggi gile plus cepat sangat terasa hati, so bile terasa hati  i was like totally a different person, tak nak let it go and being so moody.. Bila cuba senyapkan diri untuk cool downkan, its worst.. i mean bile kite seorang diri tak buat ape-ape or dengar music syaitan datang dan cucuk-cucuk dengan kata-kata jahat, lagi la buat kite panas aite? so thats what happened to me.. (lain la kalau bace Quran, zikir.. syaitan pun takut datang, erkk urmm thats what i should have done it before).. conclusinya bile terasa hati jangan duduk sorang-sorang just said it out loud what you felt.. =) in this case i dont, but i should.. so i'll try and do it next time.. Insyallah

p/s - I dont think i like my ego lately, its just too tinggi.. When i cooled down abit, and wanna ignore the terasa hati and be happy and talk like always.. but then ego datang kate "errr why should i?"..stupid ego!. err seriously rase cam nak let down je ego nie..
"Mirror mirror on the wall, let down your ego or great disaster may follow"

Anyway cut the crap, what i really wanna write is that.. When theres exam and you're the last minit study (like me) it'll lead to emosi sebab banyak tak cover.. if you cant control your emosi it'll lead to ego.. then if you still cant control of your ego it'll lead to great disaster.. So moral value of this paragraph is study awal-awal.. =)

Secondly. i wanna minta maaf kepada kawan saya kerana moody tiba-tiba..
im sorry, 0 - 0 orite.. hopefully you read this.. =S..
here  is the song i wanna you to listen .. i know the song is for lovers.. but since we're friend so here it is..
please click play.

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