Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm a HARD WORKING student! =)

Firstly .. Assalamualaikum and hello to all..
Secondly .. i know i said that this blog is "shutting down buat sementara" but then all of the sudden theres a post that i posted actually 2 posted right? if include this post then its three which is Mohon maaf a.k.a sorryCartoon ade pengajarannya .. and "im a hard working student".. like malaysian people would say "cakap tak serupa bikin" =S.. but this time i'll keep my promise about shutting down this blog for this time being for 3 month =)..

Thirdly, what i wanna write is that.. the past-past post that ive posted i said that im lazy right?.. so no wonder i did not changed even though i tried many times.. Every word that come out from our mouth is Doa a.k.a a prayer.. Thats mean if you keep saying that you're lazy, ugly, small, and etc or you calling your friends name like little, fat, etc  then thats what you're actually doa for.. so instead of saying "why am i so lazy??"  "ooh!, she's really beautiful totally opposite of me the ugly duckling" "hey you small kid" and etc.. try exchange the word "lazy to hard-working, neat.." or "ugly duckling to swan princess, lovely, sweet.." or "small to tall, big" thats more like it right?. =) so start from now lets try and change the bad words to the good one (~_-)
If you didnt mean it pun just "letak tangan ke dada, mata ke atas" bak kate "afdlin shauki"..

So from now on, i'll keep it in my mind that im a hard working student till my final year of dentistry! insyallah =)


Forthly --> .my practical exam is actually this month (bulan 4) :

 and also i've got my final written and oral exam timetable :

too short kan gap antara satu exam ke satu exam..scary =S hopefully i can do it with flying colours amiin! doakan tau.. i'll pray your success too.. (~_-) 

If you pray something good to others, then others will pray something good to you too.. =)