Hey there whazzzup! =).
well, Happy new year peepz!.
here is a song i would like u'olls to listen =) listen up babe,
as always right, new year new aims aite ;D. so for this year.
here my aims list for this year. =D
1- to be a good daughter of my parent ;)
2- to be a good student of dentistry
3- to change my life in every aspect ;)
4- to be more confident, talking in public
5- study more, play less
6- sleep less, work more
7- read more, watch movie less
8- listen to the song less, recite Al-Quran more!!!!
9- focus more, online less
10- buy less, save more! #10le per day insyallah
and moree..~ just tell me more the things that i should change for this year (2012) okay? =D
Happy new year!
kullu sanah antum bikhair =)
bonne annee!
tata~~ =)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
joyeux anniversaire à mes frères et sœurs!
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to kaklong, hazwan, haseef, syafiqah and fathin!
happy birthday to you all!! =D
sanah helwah ya gameellah wa bashar! =)..
sorry tak wish pada the right time =). saja nak tunggu semua birthday's lepas dulu then baru boleh buat video ni gabungan untuk semua =D
sweet tak aqilah?? haha =D. anyway.. happy tua day! untuk semua..
sit back and enjoy.. hopefully you all like it =)
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to kaklong, hazwan, haseef, syafiqah and fathin!
happy birthday to you all!! =D
sanah helwah ya gameellah wa bashar! =)..
sorry tak wish pada the right time =). saja nak tunggu semua birthday's lepas dulu then baru boleh buat video ni gabungan untuk semua =D
sweet tak aqilah?? haha =D. anyway.. happy tua day! untuk semua..
sit back and enjoy.. hopefully you all like it =)
Musyrif arab.
First time seumur hidup saya di musyrif oleh orang arab =).
then kiteorang habis bayar-bayar.. berjalanlah kaki untuk balik, otw balik sambil tengok keadaan hayyu 'asyir di tengah malam.. sunyi, gelap, dan aman =). lalu depan kedai-kedai yang dah tutup, ade jugak laa kedai tak tutup dalam dua tiga kedai gitu.. pastu kiteorang lalu depan kedai ayam yang ammu tu boleh cakap melayu sikit-sikit.. tiba-tiba ammu tu tegur "apa khabar? sihat".. kiteorang pun jawab "alhamdullilah sihat" senyum.. pastu dia tanya lagi "ada saudiqi lain lagi?" kiteorang geleng.. pastu dia offer untuk jadi musyrif.. mula kitaorang kata "tak pe, tak pe".. dia kata "dah lewat sangat ni". kitaorang terdiam seketika.. ikut je ammu tu dari belakang, dan of course tunjuk jalan ke rumah kitaorang.. dalam hati terharunye, dia jaga orang malaysia dari orang diaorang juga =).. begitu la cerita nye.. pendek je sebenarnya, tapi saja nak panjangkan cerita start dari A to Z =).
Nak dengar cerita dari awal? =) okay macam ni ceritanya. sit back and relax =)..
Semalam lepas kuliah, ada pengumuman yang kita-orang (2nd year dentistry) dapat cuti dua hari iaitu hari ini (28/11/2011) dan esok.. satu kelas happy gila la kan! =D. kalau nak tahu kelas kitaorang ni memang sangat laa susah nak dapat cuti. 7 hari dalam seminggu tu, sehari ja cuti.. memang semua sangat laa terharu bila doctorah umum 2 hari cuti di sebabkan pilihan raya =D.
okay back to the story.. di sebabkan betapa happy'nya saya. jadi saya ajak housemate saya ke city star (shopping complex di egypt, boleh laa popularnye tu).. walaupun tak tahu nak buat pe, tapi pergi jugak laa.. kitaorang pergi lepas 'isyak dalam pukul 8 lebih jugak laa kot.. tapi first pergi makan dekat Baitul Hasanah (resto melayu). sampai laa pukul 9 lebih..
Time keluar tu hujan, best kot! main hujan laa kiteorang.. tapi disebabkan di sini tiada longkang so banjir laa gak egypt ni =) melompat-lompat kiteorang tak nak bagi kotor plus basah kasut..
Hang out dekat baitul hasanah, tangkap-tangkap gambar pastu baru makan.
habis-habis makan tu, bayar-bayar then keluar nak pakai kasut.. then kasut kiteorang memang basah kunyup laa. buat penat je kitaorang lompat-lompat macam orang gila untuk elak dari kasut basah, last2 kasut basah gak sebab letak kat luar la kata kan.. hujan lak tu. terbaik laa kan. adeii.
Then sekali lagi lompat-lompat otw nak tahan teksi untuk ke city star..
Sampai city star dalam pukul 10 gitu, first thing first is the toilet.. sejuk kot kitaorang semua tuju ke toilet dulu, then baru jejalan.. testing-testing baju, (testing je, tengah save duit)., photo-photo =).
Tengok kedai-kedai semua pakat nak tutup dah, heran benar awal nya tutup.. tengok jam sebenarnya dah pukul 12.. sebelum keluar city star singgah spinneys (macam supermarket yang ada dalam city star tu).. dah banyak kali dia buat pengumuman kata nak tutup dah. kiteorang still jejalan tengok-tengok makanan, baju tengah sale sikit. sambil makan chipsy yang belum di bayar dalam spinneys tu.. of course kiteorang bayar time nak keluar spinneys tu ye so dont misunderstood us as a thief =D.
and of course photo-photo sikit =)
Bernasib baik time tunggu teksi untuk pulang balik rumah, senang pulak dapat teksi yang tak banyak songeh =D. Alhamdullilah selamat sampai ke Hayyu 'asyir.. sampai itu dalam pukul satu jugak la kot, then kedai 'asir masih buka.. transit jap dekat kedai 'asir, minum-minum, sembang-sembang, photo-photo.. sampai pukul 1 lebih la kot.
then kiteorang habis bayar-bayar.. berjalanlah kaki untuk balik, otw balik sambil tengok keadaan hayyu 'asyir di tengah malam.. sunyi, gelap, dan aman =). lalu depan kedai-kedai yang dah tutup, ade jugak laa kedai tak tutup dalam dua tiga kedai gitu.. pastu kiteorang lalu depan kedai ayam yang ammu tu boleh cakap melayu sikit-sikit.. tiba-tiba ammu tu tegur "apa khabar? sihat".. kiteorang pun jawab "alhamdullilah sihat" senyum.. pastu dia tanya lagi "ada saudiqi lain lagi?" kiteorang geleng.. pastu dia offer untuk jadi musyrif.. mula kitaorang kata "tak pe, tak pe".. dia kata "dah lewat sangat ni". kitaorang terdiam seketika.. ikut je ammu tu dari belakang, dan of course tunjuk jalan ke rumah kitaorang.. dalam hati terharunye, dia jaga orang malaysia dari orang diaorang juga =).. begitu la cerita nye.. pendek je sebenarnya, tapi saja nak panjangkan cerita start dari A to Z =).
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Alhamdullilah. minggu ni saya ponteng sehari je dalam seminggu =) berbanding dengan minggu-minggu lepas 2 or 3 or mungkin 4 hari saya ponteng. dalam seminggu.. =(.
proud of myself for tak ponteng banyak =D. so doakan laa ye untuk keep it up till seminggu tu tak de ponteng at all =).
starting from this week, satu hari tak datang kelas kena bayar denda which is masuk duit dalam tabung..
depends on berape subject in a day saya ponteng.. like for example, 3 subject dalam hari yang saya ponteng tu.. then i have to put 3l.e dalam tabung =). okay tak?
lepas dah okay sikit tentang kedatangan ke kuliah, then i'll start with tidak datang lambat ke kuliah ;).
tak de laa push sangatkan.. with kelambatan, saya nak ambil nasihat ustaz saya seorang ni.. which is satu minit lambat 1le . ;) hopefully saya tak lambat dah laa kan =D..
meanwhile, kene juga laa fikir tentang study dirumah juga kan.. since saya belum start study lagi walaupun sudah sebulan start kelas, so i was planning like ..
04.00 wake up..
05.00 study.
06.30 siap-siap ke kuliah
07.15 ke kuliah
08.00 - 16.00 kuliah time..
16.00-17.00 time takes for us balik rumah tunggu bas pe semua
17.00 - 20.00 rehat + makan + solat. and etc..
20.30 - 22.30 study
23.00 - 04.00 tidur =)
semoga planning ni menjadi =) wish me luck! doakan ye ;)
after that, nak settlekan tentang tidur dalam kelas lak =S
coz like always saya akan tidur dalam kelas.. sampai kan kawan2 saya kate "tak pernah lagi tengok aqilah static focus dalam kelas" "tengok satgi, lagi berapa minit doctorah cakap tidur la tu". "bila masa aqilah tak pernah mengantok?" nearly every subject lak tu.. padahal dekat rumah pun tidur banyak =S.
serious, balik kuliah tidur.. then lepas magrib then makan tidur lagi.. adeii. ape nak jadi entah..
im really really really hoping that i'll change.. this year really tough so i wanna change okay.. please please please doakan saya.. =)
proud of myself for tak ponteng banyak =D. so doakan laa ye untuk keep it up till seminggu tu tak de ponteng at all =).
starting from this week, satu hari tak datang kelas kena bayar denda which is masuk duit dalam tabung..
depends on berape subject in a day saya ponteng.. like for example, 3 subject dalam hari yang saya ponteng tu.. then i have to put 3l.e dalam tabung =). okay tak?
lepas dah okay sikit tentang kedatangan ke kuliah, then i'll start with tidak datang lambat ke kuliah ;).
tak de laa push sangatkan.. with kelambatan, saya nak ambil nasihat ustaz saya seorang ni.. which is satu minit lambat 1le . ;) hopefully saya tak lambat dah laa kan =D..
meanwhile, kene juga laa fikir tentang study dirumah juga kan.. since saya belum start study lagi walaupun sudah sebulan start kelas, so i was planning like ..
05.00 study.
06.30 siap-siap ke kuliah
07.15 ke kuliah
08.00 - 16.00 kuliah time..
16.00-17.00 time takes for us balik rumah tunggu bas pe semua
17.00 - 20.00 rehat + makan + solat. and etc..
20.30 - 22.30 study
23.00 - 04.00 tidur =)
semoga planning ni menjadi =) wish me luck! doakan ye ;)
after that, nak settlekan tentang tidur dalam kelas lak =S
coz like always saya akan tidur dalam kelas.. sampai kan kawan2 saya kate "tak pernah lagi tengok aqilah static focus dalam kelas" "tengok satgi, lagi berapa minit doctorah cakap tidur la tu". "bila masa aqilah tak pernah mengantok?" nearly every subject lak tu.. padahal dekat rumah pun tidur banyak =S.
serious, balik kuliah tidur.. then lepas magrib then makan tidur lagi.. adeii. ape nak jadi entah..
im really really really hoping that i'll change.. this year really tough so i wanna change okay.. please please please doakan saya.. =)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
in love.
Korang ce dengar dan hayati its lyrics.. then korang tahu laa ape perasaan sy sekarang ye =S..
malas nak cerita panjang.. hee~ maaf laah ye.one sentence je laa ye sy describe.. "i think im in love with someone who unfortunately have no idea that i actually like him".
i wanna tell him that i like him but.. malu.. so better macam ni je than bagitahu kan and also because there's been kinda misunderstood between his friends since im close with one of his friends ='(
seriously i dont like this kinda feeling.. im still studying so its kinda effect my studying.. so please anyone give me any tips to stay away from this kinda feeling..
here this songs which remind me of him everytime im listening to this songs. enjoy!
Friday, October 14, 2011
A letter to my dearly GF. wani =)
Dear my one and only lovely, loyalty girlfriend..
I am very sorry that i wish your birthday very late.. im supposed to be the first one right? since im your girlfriend =). Tapi i sorry sangat-sangat. sebab terlambat wish. =S. sekarang i baru boleh online.. kebelakangan ni i was kinda busy so thats why online selalu tapi tak dapat nak tengok ape-ape pun dekat facebook i hee~. maaf sangat-sangat..
You know i love you right?. please forgive =).
here i sing this song to you =)
Happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to dear syg..~
happy birthday to you~!!!.
Joyeux anniversaire dear. love yah all my life..
xoxoxoxo.. !
I am very sorry that i wish your birthday very late.. im supposed to be the first one right? since im your girlfriend =). Tapi i sorry sangat-sangat. sebab terlambat wish. =S. sekarang i baru boleh online.. kebelakangan ni i was kinda busy so thats why online selalu tapi tak dapat nak tengok ape-ape pun dekat facebook i hee~. maaf sangat-sangat..
You know i love you right?. please forgive =).
here i sing this song to you =)
Happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to dear syg..~
happy birthday to you~!!!.
Joyeux anniversaire dear. love yah all my life..
xoxoxoxo.. !
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
20 Words to change your life.
lets change our life =D
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The old me.
Assalamualaikum peepz! =)
What i really wanna write is that, currently i start to miss the old me ..not as in this old
what i mean is my old personality =)
Yup i've changed alots sejak saya tinggal di mesir ni..
i've changed to more nerdy, goody, angelly and sewaktu dengannya.. i think~.
Most of my friends who know my past know it all.. maybe~ haha.
cause i have this innocent kinda look.. so only certain people (very certain people) know how i am when im really naughty.. =S
Seriously i used to played alot,. really alots..
player, and etc. =S
Time sekolah with my innocent look people know me sebagai budak baik.. (really?)
Benda yang saya selalu buat time sekolah dulu adalah mengusik orang =D
thats my hobby..
Even though i was known as the quiet girl, but diam-diam saya cili padi juga =)
so thats mean setiap kali saya usik orang, or "buli" orang.. kalau orang yang diusik or d'buli mengadu people wouldn't believe them hehe =D
After my SPM, while waiting for the result tu memang my naughtiest year ever, i think..
Lepas SPM laa saya start bekerja shift malam and pagi.. kalau shift malam time rehat lepak reramai socially (boys and girls) gossiping, smoking and all that. then if shift pagi rehat tengah hari, that time kekadang keluar dengan one of my friend who is the one yang ajar saya macam-macam budak zaman remaja buat since he's older than me so he has more experience .. that time saya dah dapat license so bawak kereta ke sana ke mari, jejalan dengan kekawan without parent noticed.. then bile kereta terlanggar divider baru nak cuak.. balik rumah senyap je, yang kena marah my big brother haha. =P
So there is one day, terjumpa seorang ni.. dia really remind me of me time dulu.. its just that shes not quiet though =).. she talk alots. but her personality (except for the talking, of course). its kinda remind me of me the old me.. and i miss that time.. it was really fun actually.. since we're mix with boys and girls. gossiping and funny jokes and all that.. you know boys right they just really love doing those stupid jokes. and i like stupid jokes ..
Sekarang i do hang out with my housemates and friends like that.. it is fun =). but you know right its different between when you hang out with girls only and mix girls and boys.. kalau with girls only its really fun when we're doing shopping.. kalau with girls and boys only if we lepak-lepak dekat kedai mamak or kedai shisha or even playing pool. =) so both got their advantages and disadvantages right? =D.. like disadvantage kalau mix is that boys dont like shopping so its gonna be really boring when they're lepak'in with us that time lol .. no offences guys. its true right? hee~
When im lepak'in nowadays, i think that im not really full of myself.. since i have to behave myself, theres really alots of hawk eyes and burung kakak tua di mesir nie.. you know what i mean?. once you don't behave then there'll be like talking-talking about you the next day =S so beware my friend~ =D
And also if lepak-lepak, i like kalau all talks together.. and i mean together as in all of us macam discuss something sekali or gossip about the same thing sekali and etc.. not like two people talking together and other two talks together about different thing.. i mean kalau kite keluar untuk lepak-lepak reramai thats mean bersembang pun reramai sekali la kan.. not like sembang korang-korang je, baik lepak korang je kan.. betol tak? =D.. its boring kot kalau semua sembang sendiri-sendiri je.. not fun at all ..and also when moving one place to another place i like if we all walk together.. =)
Like dulu-dulu time saya hang out we all talk, gossip, discuss and etc together.. then we'll know all different kinda opinion.. thats what its called fun when hanging out ;)
Errkk, bile tengok balik this post.. i do talk alot right? like one of my auntie said after she read my blog "awak, cakap banyak jugak ye sebenarnya" lol =S
however, since saya dah tak tahu nak tulis ape.. i'll tell you more later bila saya tiba-tiba rasa nak bertulis lagi ye =D orite then. see yah!
What i really wanna write is that, currently i start to miss the old me ..not as in this old
what i mean is my old personality =)
Yup i've changed alots sejak saya tinggal di mesir ni..
i've changed to more nerdy, goody, angelly and sewaktu dengannya.. i think~.
Most of my friends who know my past know it all.. maybe~ haha.
cause i have this innocent kinda look.. so only certain people (very certain people) know how i am when im really naughty.. =S
Seriously i used to played alot,. really alots..
player, and etc. =S
Time sekolah with my innocent look people know me sebagai budak baik.. (really?)
Benda yang saya selalu buat time sekolah dulu adalah mengusik orang =D
thats my hobby..
Even though i was known as the quiet girl, but diam-diam saya cili padi juga =)
so thats mean setiap kali saya usik orang, or "buli" orang.. kalau orang yang diusik or d'buli mengadu people wouldn't believe them hehe =D
After my SPM, while waiting for the result tu memang my naughtiest year ever, i think..
Lepas SPM laa saya start bekerja shift malam and pagi.. kalau shift malam time rehat lepak reramai socially (boys and girls) gossiping, smoking and all that. then if shift pagi rehat tengah hari, that time kekadang keluar dengan one of my friend who is the one yang ajar saya macam-macam budak zaman remaja buat since he's older than me so he has more experience .. that time saya dah dapat license so bawak kereta ke sana ke mari, jejalan dengan kekawan without parent noticed.. then bile kereta terlanggar divider baru nak cuak.. balik rumah senyap je, yang kena marah my big brother haha. =P
So there is one day, terjumpa seorang ni.. dia really remind me of me time dulu.. its just that shes not quiet though =).. she talk alots. but her personality (except for the talking, of course). its kinda remind me of me the old me.. and i miss that time.. it was really fun actually.. since we're mix with boys and girls. gossiping and funny jokes and all that.. you know boys right they just really love doing those stupid jokes. and i like stupid jokes ..
Sekarang i do hang out with my housemates and friends like that.. it is fun =). but you know right its different between when you hang out with girls only and mix girls and boys.. kalau with girls only its really fun when we're doing shopping.. kalau with girls and boys only if we lepak-lepak dekat kedai mamak or kedai shisha or even playing pool. =) so both got their advantages and disadvantages right? =D.. like disadvantage kalau mix is that boys dont like shopping so its gonna be really boring when they're lepak'in with us that time lol .. no offences guys. its true right? hee~
When im lepak'in nowadays, i think that im not really full of myself.. since i have to behave myself, theres really alots of hawk eyes and burung kakak tua di mesir nie.. you know what i mean?. once you don't behave then there'll be like talking-talking about you the next day =S so beware my friend~ =D
And also if lepak-lepak, i like kalau all talks together.. and i mean together as in all of us macam discuss something sekali or gossip about the same thing sekali and etc.. not like two people talking together and other two talks together about different thing.. i mean kalau kite keluar untuk lepak-lepak reramai thats mean bersembang pun reramai sekali la kan.. not like sembang korang-korang je, baik lepak korang je kan.. betol tak? =D.. its boring kot kalau semua sembang sendiri-sendiri je.. not fun at all ..and also when moving one place to another place i like if we all walk together.. =)
Like dulu-dulu time saya hang out we all talk, gossip, discuss and etc together.. then we'll know all different kinda opinion.. thats what its called fun when hanging out ;)
Errkk, bile tengok balik this post.. i do talk alot right? like one of my auntie said after she read my blog "awak, cakap banyak jugak ye sebenarnya" lol =S
however, since saya dah tak tahu nak tulis ape.. i'll tell you more later bila saya tiba-tiba rasa nak bertulis lagi ye =D orite then. see yah!
bye bye
Monday, September 26, 2011
Kinda guy i like =)
1- A guy who can teach me Quran and all about Islam.
the tajweed, fiqh, hukum halal/haram and etc..
2- A guy who always goes to masjid to pray =)
3- A guy who are not afraid/a shame to show his girl to public.
even if his girl is his friend's sis or even his best friend's sis.
4- A guy who love kids.
those who not ashamed of holding lil kids in public =)
even walk his lil sis to school every morning or
hug his sis infront of other peoples even though his sis just one year younger than him
5- A guy who can change me to a better person.
in every angle
6- Honest guy.
who tell his girl everything, no secret or what so ever..
I want a relationship where you can lay with each other & just talk... about anything and everything.
plus if the guy is married or engaged shouldn't hide or pretend or lies that they're not. =)
7- A loyal guy.
who would wait for his girl like forever..
well of course if theres no hope boleh laa cari orang lain kan =)..
plus if you're engaged please stick to your future wife, and dont flirt with other girls. okay? =)
8- A guy who does not look only at the appearance.
9- A guy who can accept me as i am
accept my past and etc..
10- A guy who would do anything for me =D
even buy me everthing i like haha..
11- A guy who loves travelling.
since i love travelling too..
if the guy dont like travelling then how am i supposed to travel
semestinya that guy dont let me to travel alone right? =P
and also my dream is to travel all around the world ;)
12- A guy who cooks
romantic pe kalau kite cooking together with our guy kan? =)
or they know that we're tired after works,
balik-balik rumah tup tup dah de makanan yang dimasak oleh our hubby =)
13- A guy who plays music instruments
any instruments.. especially guitar or piano..
romantic "what" when the guy play you a song with guitar or piano.. ;)
the tajweed, fiqh, hukum halal/haram and etc..
2- A guy who always goes to masjid to pray =)
3- A guy who are not afraid/a shame to show his girl to public.
even if his girl is his friend's sis or even his best friend's sis.
4- A guy who love kids.
those who not ashamed of holding lil kids in public =)
even walk his lil sis to school every morning or
hug his sis infront of other peoples even though his sis just one year younger than him
5- A guy who can change me to a better person.
in every angle
6- Honest guy.
who tell his girl everything, no secret or what so ever..
I want a relationship where you can lay with each other & just talk... about anything and everything.
plus if the guy is married or engaged shouldn't hide or pretend or lies that they're not. =)
7- A loyal guy.
who would wait for his girl like forever..
well of course if theres no hope boleh laa cari orang lain kan =)..
plus if you're engaged please stick to your future wife, and dont flirt with other girls. okay? =)
8- A guy who does not look only at the appearance.
9- A guy who can accept me as i am
accept my past and etc..
10- A guy who would do anything for me =D
even buy me everthing i like haha..
11- A guy who loves travelling.
since i love travelling too..
if the guy dont like travelling then how am i supposed to travel
semestinya that guy dont let me to travel alone right? =P
and also my dream is to travel all around the world ;)
look, sweet pe when we're travelling together |
12- A guy who cooks
romantic pe kalau kite cooking together with our guy kan? =)
or they know that we're tired after works,
balik-balik rumah tup tup dah de makanan yang dimasak oleh our hubby =)
13- A guy who plays music instruments
any instruments.. especially guitar or piano..
romantic "what" when the guy play you a song with guitar or piano.. ;)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Forgive me or kill me.
- i know i've been
by saying that
i dont love u in public
just forget that day
coz now im gonna say
that i love u
love you2x
yes, i do!
so lets start over
where we're together
no awkwardness
no sadness
i am sorry you know
im sorry and i love you
so please forgive me..
forgive me2x
i still aint over you
its true
by augustana
like istana
i'll try everyday
to steal you heart away
just like yesterday..
so forgive me
or just kill me..
written by alia aqilah.
p/s sorry for the swearing~ =S.
actually i wrote this for one of my friend who currently i had a fight with..
so wanna ask for forgiveness. =).
plus dont misunderstood okay?.
i mean it.. seriously do not MISUNDERSTOOD. im not into him or whatsoever.. !
so please do not misunderstood this poem =)
btw, okay tak huhu.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
How to live your life?.
Try and watch this video, seriously love it =)
a reminders for us all ..
got this from a friend of mine..
Kecil Hati.
Hye there!. its about time for me to write something aite?. since i left this blog dusty..
okay here what i really wanna write.. =)
Donno why, but lately senang benor saya rasa kecil hati.. even though its just a small matter..
Nak kate ABC (Allah beri cuti), im not that kind of girl who in bad mood everytime im in ABC..
wonder why.. hurmppp
sometimes im so glad that im blurr, since im actually a sensitive girl..
also im so glad that i can endure my sensitiveness.. what i mean is that everytime im kecil hati, i was like just ignore what "...." just said to me or do to me =)..
and and also, im just so glad that im actually a patient kinda girl.. example, when "..." do or say something to me which makes me kecil hati.. i'll be like patient, patient, patient then i will automatically forgot what "..." says or do to me..unique aite?.. na'ah~.. this is called short memory term.. lol .. i dont like to keep those are not important, so thats why i will put the memories yang tak best to short memory term =D..
anyway back to the story,..
lately entah kenape, but kecil hati happened banyak even though i've tried to do all those above.. but the next day again kecil hati.. pe entah.. aigooo~
maybe dah lame tak keluar lepak memalam.. so no fresh air agak nye.. =S
or maybe b'coz im not feeling very well this few days.. bak kate one of friend mungkin sebab makan rempah-rempah banyak sangat sampaikan panas dalaman badan.. badan tak biasa lagi la kot makan rempah banyak-banyak tu.. badan terkejut sampaikan headache and sore throat kebelakangan nie.. =)
tengok tu, macam ni la nie laa.. firstly before i wanna write this post punya laa terasa.. then baru wrote one or two sentences dah cool tibe-tibe.. then sekarang donno what to write dah.. aigoo..
okay laa, disebabkan i donno what to write dah sekarang.. i'll write later ye =D.
bye bye.
okay here what i really wanna write.. =)
Donno why, but lately senang benor saya rasa kecil hati.. even though its just a small matter..
Nak kate ABC (Allah beri cuti), im not that kind of girl who in bad mood everytime im in ABC..
wonder why.. hurmppp
sometimes im so glad that im blurr, since im actually a sensitive girl..
also im so glad that i can endure my sensitiveness.. what i mean is that everytime im kecil hati, i was like just ignore what "...." just said to me or do to me =)..
and and also, im just so glad that im actually a patient kinda girl.. example, when "..." do or say something to me which makes me kecil hati.. i'll be like patient, patient, patient then i will automatically forgot what "..." says or do to me..unique aite?.. na'ah~.. this is called short memory term.. lol .. i dont like to keep those are not important, so thats why i will put the memories yang tak best to short memory term =D..
anyway back to the story,..
lately entah kenape, but kecil hati happened banyak even though i've tried to do all those above.. but the next day again kecil hati.. pe entah.. aigooo~
maybe dah lame tak keluar lepak memalam.. so no fresh air agak nye.. =S
or maybe b'coz im not feeling very well this few days.. bak kate one of friend mungkin sebab makan rempah-rempah banyak sangat sampaikan panas dalaman badan.. badan tak biasa lagi la kot makan rempah banyak-banyak tu.. badan terkejut sampaikan headache and sore throat kebelakangan nie.. =)
tengok tu, macam ni la nie laa.. firstly before i wanna write this post punya laa terasa.. then baru wrote one or two sentences dah cool tibe-tibe.. then sekarang donno what to write dah.. aigoo..
okay laa, disebabkan i donno what to write dah sekarang.. i'll write later ye =D.
bye bye.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Happy Eid mubarak peepz!.
Selamat hari raya to you all =)
maaf zahir dan batin ye kekawan..
muaxx! luv yah all..
here a song for you all =D
Yup again this year, i raye dimesir ye kekawan =)
this is the third time dah.. hebat tak? haha.
but next year d'UK insyallah.. doakan semoga jadi ye =D..
maaf zahir dan batin ye kekawan..
muaxx! luv yah all..
here a song for you all =D
Yup again this year, i raye dimesir ye kekawan =)
this is the third time dah.. hebat tak? haha.
but next year d'UK insyallah.. doakan semoga jadi ye =D..
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Selamat hari raya dari perantauan to all muslim out there!. -first year dentistry student- |
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Happy eid ye kekawan. =D nak duit raye! |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Result is out dude!
Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
Waah!. lama benor saya tak menulis blog ye.. =)
biase laa, time cuti malas nak menulis.. ce tengok time kuliah start nanti ade je yang nak menulis (ganggu syaitan supaya lengahkan masa untuk study) .. masalah-masalah..
However, the thing that i wanna write is actually.. My result is out dude!! =D..
we've waited nearly about two months.. two MONTHS.. seriously, longer than expected.. since the promised date should be about 2 org three weeks after out last exam.. but this more than 3 weeks..
But anyhow, ade hikmahnye.. boleh berdoa lebih sikit =) kebetulan keluar time bulan ramadhan.. doa time bulan ramadhan senang d'makbul kan? . =) so ape lagi, sesiapa yang resultnye belum keluar doa lekaih..
Even though my result is not that "gempak" but Alhamdullilah bersyukur sangat-sangat kot..
and also not like what my parent want it actually..
but still bersyukur sangat-sangat..Syukran Ya Allah..!
Hanya padaMu ku bersyukur..
kalau nak ikutkan dengan usaha saya tahun ni yang sangat la kurang..
* Saya sangat main-main tahun ni, sangat la main.. =S
* For the first year of dentistry, rasanye la kan saya tak pernah duduk di depan sekali.. selalu je duduk di belakang.. datang lambat pe bagai..
* ponteng jangan cakap la kan, boleh dikiranya hari saya datang kuliah dalam sebulan tu.. maksudnye sikit sangat la saya datang kuliah untuk first year dentistry..
* Assignment pun same gak, kalau nak ikutkan banyak saya tak hantar..
* presentation tak pernah buat =S
* tidur?. jangan sebut.. terlalu banyak saya tidur.. kalau tidak percaya tanya la orang yang sekeliling saya or yang bersama saya time exam hari tu..sikit-sikit tidur, bangun pagi bace 5 or 10 minit then mengantuk tidur lagi.. adeii...
walaupun saya tahu tahun itu agak tough/susah/sukar and etc.. tapi masih usaha sangat sikit..
dan sebab itu saya sangatlah bersyukur ke atas Illahi..Alhamdullilah..
Yang paling saya tak percaya adalah subject biochemistry.. tak de la gempak tapi kalau difikirkan balik time exam biochemistry hari tu.. dengan masalah dalaman pe bagai..dan kalau nak tahu subject yang paling saya agak kurang minat dan lemah adalah subject biochemistry.. lepas exam biochemistry tu pun, hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu betapa frustnye saya..eh jap ade saya post tentang lepas exam biochemistry tu.. ce baca yang "What the ****efff day" .. tapi bile result keluar Alhamdullilah.. sujud syukur =)
sebenarnye ade je lagi subject yang saya kurang minat dan lemah, tapi antare semua biochemistry je la kot yang saya paling takutkan time exam hari tu..
Dengan ini saya mahu mengucap ribuan-ribuan terima kasih kepada parent saya yang tidak pernah putus asa doakan saya =).. adik beradik saya kaklong, hazwan, haseef, syafiqah dan fathin..thank you bagi sokongan moral dan selalu mendengar masalah saya =) dan kepada doctorah-doctorah, doctor-doctor saya yang tidak pernah cemu mengajar saya dengan penuh ikhlas..dan juga kepada housemate saya yang telah memberi sokongan moral dan physical =) tak lupa juga kepada sahabat-sahabat saya yang telah mengajar saya .. iaitu :
1. Syatirah Fatin, teach me again next year. thank you for the msg yang mengajak saya ke kuliah =D arigato gozaimas! tahun depan kalau aqilah tak datang kuliah ke hantar msg2 macam tu =)..
2. Kak muna, auntie fatin, dan kak abby.. tahun depan jom study group lagi! =D study group really helped me alot.. seriously ..=D
3. faiz, baim, kak isma, kak najla, kak suhaila, daus a.k.a ahli abim.. thank you for support me from behind.. and give all the wise advice when im down.. even though i know you guys also tengah busy but you guys never ketepikan aqilah =) love you guys alot..
4. for all those who i havent mention.. =) love you loads alot.. yg selalu mendoakan saya.. sangat-sangat berterima kasih..
Anyway..Mabruk to all my friends kerana telah mengharungi zone bersabar dan mencabar..
Tahniah kepada yang najah, but for those yang kurang bernasib baik jangan berputus asa.. saya tetap akan berdoakan untuk kejayaan korang semua..mungkin ada hikmah disebaliknya,.. semakin besar ujianNya, semakin besar kasih sayang Allah terhadap kita.. Allah s.w.t maha adil =)
Waah!. lama benor saya tak menulis blog ye.. =)
biase laa, time cuti malas nak menulis.. ce tengok time kuliah start nanti ade je yang nak menulis (ganggu syaitan supaya lengahkan masa untuk study) .. masalah-masalah..
However, the thing that i wanna write is actually.. My result is out dude!! =D..
we've waited nearly about two months.. two MONTHS.. seriously, longer than expected.. since the promised date should be about 2 org three weeks after out last exam.. but this more than 3 weeks..
But anyhow, ade hikmahnye.. boleh berdoa lebih sikit =) kebetulan keluar time bulan ramadhan.. doa time bulan ramadhan senang d'makbul kan? . =) so ape lagi, sesiapa yang resultnye belum keluar doa lekaih..
Even though my result is not that "gempak" but Alhamdullilah bersyukur sangat-sangat kot..
and also not like what my parent want it actually..
but still bersyukur sangat-sangat..Syukran Ya Allah..!
Hanya padaMu ku bersyukur..
kalau nak ikutkan dengan usaha saya tahun ni yang sangat la kurang..
* Saya sangat main-main tahun ni, sangat la main.. =S
* For the first year of dentistry, rasanye la kan saya tak pernah duduk di depan sekali.. selalu je duduk di belakang.. datang lambat pe bagai..
* ponteng jangan cakap la kan, boleh dikiranya hari saya datang kuliah dalam sebulan tu.. maksudnye sikit sangat la saya datang kuliah untuk first year dentistry..
* Assignment pun same gak, kalau nak ikutkan banyak saya tak hantar..
* presentation tak pernah buat =S
* tidur?. jangan sebut.. terlalu banyak saya tidur.. kalau tidak percaya tanya la orang yang sekeliling saya or yang bersama saya time exam hari tu..sikit-sikit tidur, bangun pagi bace 5 or 10 minit then mengantuk tidur lagi.. adeii...
walaupun saya tahu tahun itu agak tough/susah/sukar and etc.. tapi masih usaha sangat sikit..
dan sebab itu saya sangatlah bersyukur ke atas Illahi..Alhamdullilah..
Yang paling saya tak percaya adalah subject biochemistry.. tak de la gempak tapi kalau difikirkan balik time exam biochemistry hari tu.. dengan masalah dalaman pe bagai..dan kalau nak tahu subject yang paling saya agak kurang minat dan lemah adalah subject biochemistry.. lepas exam biochemistry tu pun, hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu betapa frustnye saya..eh jap ade saya post tentang lepas exam biochemistry tu.. ce baca yang "What the ****efff day" .. tapi bile result keluar Alhamdullilah.. sujud syukur =)
sebenarnye ade je lagi subject yang saya kurang minat dan lemah, tapi antare semua biochemistry je la kot yang saya paling takutkan time exam hari tu..
Dengan ini saya mahu mengucap ribuan-ribuan terima kasih kepada parent saya yang tidak pernah putus asa doakan saya =).. adik beradik saya kaklong, hazwan, haseef, syafiqah dan fathin..thank you bagi sokongan moral dan selalu mendengar masalah saya =) dan kepada doctorah-doctorah, doctor-doctor saya yang tidak pernah cemu mengajar saya dengan penuh ikhlas..dan juga kepada housemate saya yang telah memberi sokongan moral dan physical =) tak lupa juga kepada sahabat-sahabat saya yang telah mengajar saya .. iaitu :
1. Syatirah Fatin, teach me again next year. thank you for the msg yang mengajak saya ke kuliah =D arigato gozaimas! tahun depan kalau aqilah tak datang kuliah ke hantar msg2 macam tu =)..
2. Kak muna, auntie fatin, dan kak abby.. tahun depan jom study group lagi! =D study group really helped me alot.. seriously ..=D
3. faiz, baim, kak isma, kak najla, kak suhaila, daus a.k.a ahli abim.. thank you for support me from behind.. and give all the wise advice when im down.. even though i know you guys also tengah busy but you guys never ketepikan aqilah =) love you guys alot..
4. for all those who i havent mention.. =) love you loads alot.. yg selalu mendoakan saya.. sangat-sangat berterima kasih..
Even though my result is totally not gempak.. but the most important is that saya dapat naik tahun..
For those yang tak tahu, ingat senang ke nak naik tahun ni?? =S lagi-lagi with extra subject and all that..
Tahniah kepada yang najah, but for those yang kurang bernasib baik jangan berputus asa.. saya tetap akan berdoakan untuk kejayaan korang semua..mungkin ada hikmah disebaliknya,.. semakin besar ujianNya, semakin besar kasih sayang Allah terhadap kita.. Allah s.w.t maha adil =)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
to Uncle Rasis and Auntie Fatin . بارك الله
Uncle Rasis who used to "dukung" me when i wanna play with lights dekat rumah "mek", who used to play with me when i was little girl.. and also who used to laugh at me when ayah li was angry at because of "ponteng kelas" =P
and now to Auntie Fatin who was my classmate, my leader mase Dentistry pre-dental (2009/2010) and now...you're my auntie!!. =D
Congragulations! uncle rasis wa auntie fatin!..
plus sorry for lambat wish =).. since aqilah tak datang ke kenduri uncle and auntie..
so i've made this video especially for you both.. hopefully you both like it =)
p/s love you both! semoga bahagia sampai ke hujung hayat =)
and now to Auntie Fatin who was my classmate, my leader mase Dentistry pre-dental (2009/2010) and now...you're my auntie!!. =D
Congragulations! uncle rasis wa auntie fatin!..
plus sorry for lambat wish =).. since aqilah tak datang ke kenduri uncle and auntie..
so i've made this video especially for you both.. hopefully you both like it =)
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you both like the sweet tooth and the dentist =) |
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Welcome to the family auntie! |
p/s love you both! semoga bahagia sampai ke hujung hayat =)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Ramadhan al-kareem.
Wishing u 1 month of ramadhan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!
A Glass of Care
A Plate of Love
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Truth &
A Bowl of Duaas.
Mix with spices of QURAAN.
Enjoy This Meal.
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!
and here some recipe for ramadhan =) ...
A Glass of Care
A Plate of Love
A Spoon of Peace
A Fork of Truth &
A Bowl of Duaas.
Mix with spices of QURAAN.
Enjoy This Meal.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
lazy me.
Long time no see blog!. =) how ya all? better than before?.
Anyway, now a days i dont write that much even though i have many things to story about..
Its not like i dont like writing, its just that now a days im just too lazy to press on the keyboard and also to put words in correct sentences.. =D..
So from today, if i feel like writing then i'll write.. but if im lazy i'll express my feeling through music or some quotes or poem or something like that.. =)
So today i dont feel like writing that much, so i wanna share this music with you all..
listen to the lyrics, its so sweet.. =)
Anyway, now a days i dont write that much even though i have many things to story about..
Its not like i dont like writing, its just that now a days im just too lazy to press on the keyboard and also to put words in correct sentences.. =D..
So from today, if i feel like writing then i'll write.. but if im lazy i'll express my feeling through music or some quotes or poem or something like that.. =)
So today i dont feel like writing that much, so i wanna share this music with you all..
listen to the lyrics, its so sweet.. =)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Mesin Jimat
Cuba korang baca comic gempak starz dekat bawah ni..
alangkah baiknya kalau ada mesin macam ni, confirm tak membazir =)..
kalau kita bawak keluar duit beratus-ratus, kebetulan mesin duit tu dekat dengan shopping komplekz.. mana korang pergi dulu? balik terus or shopping komplekz?..
Bagi lelaki saya kurang pasti =).. tapi bagi perempuan, keBANYAKkannya ke shopping komplekz kan?..
benda yang memang ada di rumah korang beli lagi, macam saya.. saya kalau nampak baju, lagi-lagi tengah sale kan.. memang merambang habis mata tengok baju tu, try2 tengok keluar kedai tu dengan beg shopping dua belah tangan.. adeii, membazir-membazir..
Kalau ada orang diluar sana yang terer bab-bab rekaan ni, cuba korang reka mesin macam ni.. confirm pembaziran tak berlaku =).. tapi of course kalau reka mesin macam ni, kena tambah satu lagi "lie detector" mana tahu ada orang kononnya nak membazir tapi cakap kata nak bayar duit sewa rumah ke kan =)..
and satu lagi, "desperate detector" just in case, ada orang memang desperate tak ada baju.. nak beli baju kena la bawak keluar duit kan =)..
However, apa yang saya nak cakap is.. mesin ini memang terbaik la kalau dibina =D
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please click dekat pic ini untuk image yang besar =) |
alangkah baiknya kalau ada mesin macam ni, confirm tak membazir =)..
kalau kita bawak keluar duit beratus-ratus, kebetulan mesin duit tu dekat dengan shopping komplekz.. mana korang pergi dulu? balik terus or shopping komplekz?..
Bagi lelaki saya kurang pasti =).. tapi bagi perempuan, keBANYAKkannya ke shopping komplekz kan?..
benda yang memang ada di rumah korang beli lagi, macam saya.. saya kalau nampak baju, lagi-lagi tengah sale kan.. memang merambang habis mata tengok baju tu, try2 tengok keluar kedai tu dengan beg shopping dua belah tangan.. adeii, membazir-membazir..
Kalau ada orang diluar sana yang terer bab-bab rekaan ni, cuba korang reka mesin macam ni.. confirm pembaziran tak berlaku =).. tapi of course kalau reka mesin macam ni, kena tambah satu lagi "lie detector" mana tahu ada orang kononnya nak membazir tapi cakap kata nak bayar duit sewa rumah ke kan =)..
and satu lagi, "desperate detector" just in case, ada orang memang desperate tak ada baju.. nak beli baju kena la bawak keluar duit kan =)..
However, apa yang saya nak cakap is.. mesin ini memang terbaik la kalau dibina =D
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Good life .
Have you listen to this song?
soothing aite?..
it can makes you day dreaming while listening to this song =)
especially when you first time heard this song something happen like the one that you liked pop up chat or talking to you or something like that or you were stalking the one that you liked (in my case) =)
For me, the first time i heard this song its early in the morning..
introduced by one of my friend who still half a sleep, so i searched it while that playing facebook..
after finished loading.. while listening to it, i was stalking this page who i secretly admire =P
then suddenly memories of "...." and me when we're used to be close came back..
so starting from then everytime im listening to this song, the memories spinning around my head =P..
especially when he first talk to me =D..
Secondly i really love this song music video =).. simple, unique and very cool ..
actually i really like all one republic's song.. they are all very cool song,
For example,
- Apologize
- stop and stare
- Say ( all i need)
- All the right moves
and theres alot more =).. plus their music video its old school that what i like about it =D
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Took a ride.
seriously very cute song =)
We took a ride, we took a long ride
Sat side by side with our, eyes open wide.
Then you come by and, flip my insides when I, I took took took a ride.
I travel at high speeds to visit you places
cause i'm growing sight of familiar faces
for once a fixation is ones that's aquitrred
I travel at high speeds cause I'm so uninspired
ooh, I've got plenty of things that i would like to say to you.
We took a ride, we took a long ride
Sat side by side with our, eyes open wide.
Then you come by and, flip my insides when I, I took took took a ride.
When busy black circles appear in my eyesight
the game we've been playing could carry on all night
we starrted with chasing, we'll finish
I'm scared i'm changning, what on earth am I becoming?
Oooh, I'm just a boy with a chance that i'll never get again, ooh,
We took a ride, we took a long ride
Sat side by side with our, eyes open wide.
Then you come by and, flip my insides when I, I took took took a ride.
cause you never get, what you want it to get
if you live a life with full of regrets
or in the sunshine, we took a long ride..
oooh, i've got a plenty of things that i would like say to you...
but i know this things happened to you too..
We took a ride, we took a long ride
Sat side by side with our, eyes open wide.
Then you come by and, flip my insides when I, I took took took a ride.
for a day, you hear me say..
that you'll be okay, theres no way that i'll let you go away..
put my eyes, then my insides when i, i took took took a ride..
Monday, June 27, 2011
Bakal Pasangan =)
Orang kata pasangan kita mesti or lebih kurang opposite daripada kite kan?
So in my case, yang kekawan saya selalu describe is..
So in my case, yang kekawan saya selalu describe is..
- Lelaki yang berSASTERA..
Macam cikgu Bahasa Melayu, Lawyer and etc.. anything tapi yang Bahasa melayu dia baku.. or BM dia dapat A+++++ la kot...sebab saya sangat laa tak terer BM, cakap Bahasa melayu pun upside down.. as i really donno that many vocabulary ..
- PENYABAR-1.. bila saya tengah bercakap =)
saya bila bercakap agak lambat not gagap!. but just lambat because while bercakap saya akan berfikir patut cakap ke tidak or saya tengah susun ayat even though saya dah start bercakap..
Nama pun aqilah yang bermaksud "fikiran" thats why i love berfikir =)
and another one, i dont really know that many vocabulary so sometimes when im talking i have to search a word which has the same meaning in my head (which theres not that much vocabulary in the first place)
- PENYABAR-2 .. bila "dia" bercakap dengan saya =)
you have to repeat it more than twice, then baru saya faham.. its not that im stupid but its because i like to imagine it while you're talking.. and if i still cant imagine it that is why i'll ask you to repeat and repeat it again until i get what you mean =)..
dan sometimes lepas "dia" bercakap, si "dia" perlu terangkan balik ape yang dimaksudkannya tu lol.. as i said before, i donno that MANY vocabulary..
- Peramah/ talkative
Sebab saya ni tak berapa peramah sangat not sombong or anything its just i donno how to start the conversation when it comes to making friend.. =) but once you really know me, you'll know who i am =P.
- Matured
Orang cakap saya ni childish.
one because i LOVE cartoons,
second im not serious when doing something,
third i like to tease people when im bored..
- Have LOUD voice
untuk sesiapa yang tidak pernah bercakap dengan saya, suara saya sangat la kecil..
bak kata kawan-kawan saya "orang yang duduk tepi saya pun tak dengar bila saya bercakap or disuruh baca"..
even though saya rasa suara saya dah cukup besar.. =S
- Tak tidur banyak.
Seriously, saya tidur sangat la banyak so harap-harap bakal pasangan saya tak tidur banyak hee~ =)
- Tidak mudah percaya.
It is because saya sangat la mudah terpercaya..
- who knows to joke around
i dont think i know how to joke around, and also because i like a guy who have sense of humor.. dan yang suka buat stupid jokes which one of my favourite =D
saya agak shopaholics when it comes to clothes.. especially when tengah sales. =S
well i think thats all i can remember of.. if you have anything else to add just cakap je.. because you know me better ;) so chou. =)
Monday, June 6, 2011
What The *Eff day.
Hari ni exam written biochemistry, nak tahu macam mana?. **** man! seriously korang jangan laa sebut-sebut tentang biochemistry depan aku, tension korang tahu tension!! grr.! subject lain pun sama je, tapi tak tahu kenapa subject biochemistry lebih sikit tension dia.. maybe because firstly aku tak berapa minat sangat chemist2 nie la kot kan.. nie tambah lak bio dengan chemist, lagi la kan .. humph!
Time jawab tadi, soalan number satu pun aku dah gelabah tak tahu nak jawab ape, padahal baru baca semalam.. baca bukan main lagi (last minit study la katakan), bukan rezeki aku la kot time jawab tadi.. soalan number dua lak, perghh lagi aku tak tahu nak jawab ape.. collagen? tak terbaca lak, past-past year soalan tadak lak dia nak keluar kan?. adeeii!.
Time hantar kertas muka lex lagi, cool lagi dalam hati hanya Allah saja yang tahu.. keluar kuliah dengar semua orang duk cakap-cakap tentang exam biochem tadi,.. naik bas nak balik ke rumah, tak boleh tahan kesabaran untuk check jawapan, aku terus buka buku check sikit-sikit yang mana ingat soalan plus ape yang aku tulis tadi.. Aku hanya mampu terdiam sahaja selepas check jawapan tu.. Rasa macam nak give up pun ada, =S .. (astaqfirullahalazim)..
Turun bas tu, sambung check lagi dengan salah satu kawan aku.. Check check check.. Yang paling tak boleh blah nye, time exam tadi aku dah nak letak dah jawapan.. tapi pesal entah dengan otak aku ni kan, tak letak..letak lak jawapan yang salah.. bongek tak aku?. grr.! sabo je la.. yang satu lagi tak boleh blah, aku letak dah jawapan yang lebih kurang la kot dengan buku tapi tulisan dan ejaan je la kot tak betul.. pastu tahu tak aku buat ape? g tanda pangkah kat jawapan tu.. perghh! itu lagi memang sakit hati dengan diri sendiri.. **** laa!.
Sampai rumah, tukar baju terus masuk dalam selimut.. tarik selimut sampai ke kepala, kononnya nak menangis tapi kering la pulok air mata aku hari ni.. menangis tak jadi, tidur lak jadinya.. Tidur pun sekejap ja.. Time nak bangun tu liat gile la kan, rasa cam tak nak bangun sampai ke esok hari biar berlepas exam oral begitu sahaja tapi tak boleh jugak solat macam mana lak?.. kalau tak boleh sembahyang (ABC a.k.a Allah Beri Cuti) tu memang syok gila la, tidur sampai keesok hari.. perghh, sedap!
Lepas sembahyang tu, aku decide untuk tengok movie jap mana tahu tension decrease ke kan.. ajak housemate aku sorang, Farahin mokhtar yang tengah study.. maaf la ye sebab ganggu study hee~..
Aku ajak tengok movie yang bertajuk "Cool Running".. cerita lama dah.. tapi best!..
time tengok tu memang kena betul la dengan aku.. tentang jangan give up, and etc.. kira kalau korang tengah down, dibuli or etc tengok la cerita ni,..bukan setakat kelakar je, bermotivasi dan bagus la cerita nie.. =)
Menyebabkan aku yang sebelum nie ingat tak nak study untuk oral esok hari, rasa patot study dan berterus berjuang sampai ke final year =).. insyallah..
Bukan tu saja yang menyebabkan aku sedar, time aku sembahyang tu.. Ya Allah, aku patot tawakal bukan merungut,menyesal, marah-marah dengan diri sendiri..Astaqfirullahalazim.. istiqfar, istiaqfar.....sekarang aku hanya boleh berdoa dan bertawakal je.. makbul (lulus) untuk biochemistry pun itu memang rezeki aku la.. bersyukur sangat-sangat..
Malam tu aku terbaca kak wani (bekas naqibah kiteorang) bagi postcard yang tertulis kata-kata semangat.
".... Moga kita redha dengan semua ketentuannya, Sesungguhnya menuntut ilmu itu sebahagian dari jihad kita fisabilillah seperti dalam firmannya surah at-taubah:122 .... "
memang kena laa dengan aku time tu.. =S
memang kena laa dengan aku time tu.. =S
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